t )'.firieri. and :\Tfr. II•trnev, ' , dare da• It - 0111 . t . .•. ..,
:as. v:,•:'teitt limgttage '1' 'i''''''''''''1' '''' l'''''''''''''' : ''''' t:'''1 7:•".\ • i•-• (ii. the :::■;,:••!•;i:•,,-, ,,,;111:1. 17.-11‘:.• :••• •..11.,...,.. : ; i'.. it ejected, 1.11f :ha: 111.tHe ..ilil ....,':%,1 t,, r.....,...(.1 11. 1,.1•, 1.' ,11011.1(1 s• e .',,,i1 1; 10;',. ;-: 11:.:i'.■1' I,': •,."1:...\''.' 17:y -i•Z:Ii::.... ,, shi p.m- -.i.t olch a 1 -othl•--i -": tnil it.- Cli)7tied to :- ,.:-: 1,,, ,i;o:. , t;tires of
;....... ea e,ltd::: I ...... ,•1' men lto ne. sets:iltnioeal rights, my: ttho niti to'
: 4 7 .. MI.0.. ;el, nri,to..,..v.y, , .;,.. ,...I• , ';...:1-10r2S, 111111.. •1■I' , ".' :' ,1r■'. 111 tyra:11117a. o' '1110, 011, il.ii..` i; Vo. r1:1.1y, 11.illiS, ttl,i. lill'111,1V.-'- 1 I (1 reral =kir. Pao;etor., . .that m of ti, ws.t.... cryitc‘r stl(1st the .1 day in the pre-
sentatitto uf the r •611•10, ha 1 tett sler..i it : I, .0 it their patriotism
Ara:0 grom-, .1tai th.tv ttamid not ;Igo ltdt,e1. IllS, 1:1 tliem :'1.,011 1/1 Fed ink. 1;par.i, brt!rf)!••) Illicit lx! •• r. 1•'eal•gas t)'(.'vtlesor- Carti.le, te1d1. :0101 •0.11,1
13:tel.:el, as ea.. Coneemien 1.,1,1111 tIte • ..; eltran. Glasgow, IVIiti 1. • . tiling :!, tvould not dbitt•'...:.t tr.. oo that.
recolle(tion. if tite.s:i Ip ••- tIteir • i-(the
by trittlence, th. t-ould resi-• . : woril, i:r 1. Dr. 'ray h,,.- The me., of 1.••:•••1-ii"re. tt• I ;
• 1.
trifled. \vitt' ; :to ! on. it to o • 1.1111 of the (lands- that ;yolkl ho-t be '.1111) Ivere accustomed to the p'ook, 1 CI, tt,.! i• a .0,1 nioral means
for obtaining tho paiple's 10houl..1 . 0. post of danger,
and be the 111-st to ‘,•-• • . .•
Stir. 0' - Ittaid...t: 17 ti-iant, '1•;o1 to lho peti-
tioa. 13.tt the: ti.to .• -;:ttt it v.h•ttever tio lit' 110111t.e.. illr.1111(`I. It iLC • ,., the t mit-t-ntion 0 proceed autit-ipnloil the rjection ItCt.ir tieth•-■ lv - •o.•, .•t• t :11111:,• 1 1 to ulterior measure,. As tho Hoot ( • ;Jai,- t.:t1 onty con-i ! •r that it
thou•• ;:::1 oat or ;. •
exiLited ;!..• 1.1:1 5.1.,.1:e01 by
::,•11 h.. he I :; • cl'0111
marbles to mans!,:i1,f1tter, Coo :toe; tt.:1 t't it it.-
Mr. Harney said, that ;here slam! I la. no ..lore those
'signed with ,(tael peos"---the tolo simald have :se' re the dos,' of
the year, universal sull'ime or ile...th.”
The above are only speeimens of dist. menaces at this fleeting. Much more language of the same do Fdription is reported in the daily papers as having been lane :iced with vehement applause.
Another meeting was hell at the Crown and Anchor on Tnestlay, to set on foot a subscriptioa for defraying the expense of defending Mr. Stephens. Mr. Richard Oastler was the chief orator.
At the meeting of the National Convention. on Wednesday, several communications were read. from the itinerant missionaries, threatening
at a short it:sr:I:leo tl,
244 they would .return instanter unless ,their demands .for mtlfart e
supply of cash were Complied with'. r Fe'arguS O'CininWattl$ every meeting which he had attended cost him 20, and that he
send in his .bill for those meetings if he any • further for- warded to the missionaries, as this would 'swamp-thd national