The Corn question is not " settled "--even for the
present session. Two move; have been made, in accordance with a jediciotts plan of operations, and a third is resolved 'woo. The men who malmge th's movement, accustomed to conduct their own tiffairs with method aed perseverance, bring their business-like qualities to the public cause in which they are engaged. A. motion for the absolute mecca/ qf to.ce4 on food, will be the next step. Some, perhaps, would have vivisect this direct ossault on the Corn-laws in the first instance but it was more wisely determined to connaence with proceedings which should put the adversary entirely in tlte wrong. This has Leen done 12 treeillally. Ile has refused to hear evidence on the Corn-laws ; he has refi!lid. even " consider the subject ; but perhaps, when the quu 0 I 15 pla to Ill II in the plain. uncomplicated form. " Will you tax the pimple's food?" his bowels of compassion will relent. At any rate, one calm(' will not :Adler, in public opinion—the tribumi of last resort—by gi ltim another trial.