23 MARCH 1839, Page 11

Mr. Gibson, "Member far Ipswich, has addressed the followine letter

to his constituents, in explanation or his vote in fitundir of Mr. Villiers's motion finr a committee on ill.; Corn-laws. It k n and. in tiles! I..t.ys of menn eheffliug. worthy of . :al homer.. Die- daining stinercege, Mr. Gibson rejg:eted. the Parii...inentary ify...tenee tb which a vote against his conscientious opinion might Le c xetteed or palliated. The .Member for; I pe,vich is a Coeeervatiee : it wonld lt well if tutee .,• professing Liberate in the I En; se of (('(II so; could be exchanged for such Conservatives as lw ; and it is eneouraging to gain converts, who, like Mr. Gibson, can think mid act for themselves inde- pendently of mere party tiers " •ro THE ELECTORS Or IPSWICH.

T‘ Gr."'il'T.T:MEN—1 feel it 1,, title to v,ni su 111y- con:tituents, as well as to myself, that I should give CNplitiiitfiffli of the vete which I thonght it

Shy duty to reeord on lifonday last in favour of the of en for the I to f

Commons rosolving itmr into Committee to tr.la. into con•diera:lon tin act rogotaing the invoriation of foreign corn ; and thi, explmation appears to in:. the more vcssary, ts, in eol..,tignilliT of the 11 ..... her of ulembers desirous it speaking, I lio i-111,10!: Unity Or lily .-, l,tit,tI1t iii the tiou,40. Iui tinier I tir. re laity r sf1, nm..! ti t plainly anti withou, oeeteee the ert.e. netelt p.tr;cett iee.--e'eee.e of the

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11110 prol-Cet :On to which it can he shown to I.. emit I. J. ;_iio11114 of 10111 11,i ofloCa' Or "'clientl laNaii011, bey01111 %%Lit Iv elf! a. t,tnc ii Ot!O21'111•1111elli•s (d our productive Industry. .1ity excess of lasation it dli eau be shown to fill iipon the employment of agricultural e-pital oi I I; k Cililital 1.1111loyed ill other branches c' I' our prodlicilse industry, it would utijnst not to countervail by promo Collate dui:. ••• oa the in portation of foreign corn. The present Corn-law, liourev r, !I: and considerations from these, and such as have no! my fo..vil I sin- cerely believe the influence of tile i•ySti.•111 Of l',.trietioo (.01111- INOIC retards tile progress of agricultural improvement, iitjtolous to the firmer, the manufacturer, the tradesman, the agricultural leleotrer, the artisan. and that it obstructs to a great degree the progtvssive increase of national wealth and prosperity.

"I shall be happy, gentlemen, to meet you at a pnblie meeting, if such

course should be thought desirable, and give fuller explanations ell this subject than the limits of a hasty letter will permit. I have, however, now relieved my mind of a burden which would have become daily more oppressive hatl I permitted my constituents to remain in ignorance or under a delusion as to the ject, I et), lethe•,.,1 to tete. iilif V1,•tv l'oi 1 ' thaI 0/101',iti 1,fi the e...in f.tvcnir of div pres.iit s2.-- tem ; ‘.. ,; no: it lit;-; eeoo

as iny proceeded, I liai; -I e;;;:iff

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A.:11se ui!' 't io .•111 r ars: i• • 11 Hof fi ti.i;i if fry cums;itnents t1/ :HIM :1:1,ii. 1t•i.liiil V.li,,111 I ..11tornilil - • •5' 1 11. i

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• voting ag.•inst (ea: vo...e o•ode to the

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real sentiments of one of their Representatives on an important question a netionul interest : and I am sure, however much they may condemn my °pinkies, they would have condemneii my conduct still more, heti I concealed them, perhaps till the moment preceding a general election, leaving the electors no flute to select another candidate, should such a course he thought essential.

"I have the honeur to remain your obedient humble servant, Eaton Square, anli March 11339." • _