Tile intelligence frvuo .1.meriea did not oil its first arrival produce much effect on 'Change, and the prevailing belief still is that the dispute will settle amicably. Consols, which oa \Veilnesday morning. Were 921 93, continued at that price till y;.:1.,:rday off miloon, 0 Imo, just preuivms to the close of busi- itess, 1 deelitm o..eurred, anl the closing price was 92;ii This morning, immediately on the opcnin.;.; of the morket, au extensive sale of Money Stock, et 924, was made by one of the leading brokers; aml its cliect was to deprees the prit•e thu lEttio.e. to 92,1, while that for the Account was 924, sellers: the price speedily rallied to 92T, for Money Slid94 93 fur Account, but has again tleelimel to the lowest qa..a.itioe. The New Extheipter Bills have made their appearance in the market, autl are quoted at a pretnium of 2s. louver than the Ohl (or 2,1.) hills. There ap- pears to Is. n quantity of these Securities still pressing. on the market, which has given way -is. • and it is believed that the recent extensive sales have been made on Mimi if the Dank, who arc adopting this method of renneing their cirettlation, for the purpose of putting a slop to the flemaild for gohl; which has continued during the week, though nut to the same extent Os before. Ill the Foreign 'Market, the tendency to iiiirroveinc:11; in the European Con- t ittelital Stovks, conseglic»t upon the acceptance cv the 13el5ion Chainber of the Tee-Ay-flea Artieles, has been counteracted by the state of the English Funds ; and Dutch and Belgian Stuck are but slightly in advance of our Jut prices. In the course of the week, adviecs have been receive.: from Rio Janeiro, to the 2:1,1 January. Thee Ilre Only interu-ding. in a finaneial point of view. The Cover-Hi:mut was still in want of netney, and hal, to supply its wants. created l50,000/. Local Stock. This operation bad depressed the Funds; and the Six per Cent. :.'tock, which at the last advices ;Cs, hail Silliest to 70 ex. dividend, being a fIceline of 3 Ater cent. Brazilian t':coeli. has been consequently decreeeel1 ofir 11!arkk t having fallen from Si) t•J 79, and the Scrip of th
New Teem feel pt',-, c. 1JI; O. The other Smith American Securities
are heave et erlete louvjr than last week, with iii Ii' doing. Spanish Solo% Invl been flep:.esseil, having fallen from 211,1; but the in- tellieeme received. this nuendeg from l'aris has givin tilniiress to the market, wIdell may be p chat ;dead e.:Ist. than ■esterday. The revolved I.::-1,011 on ilionday (noosed an improvement of per yen". in !h. of Po: Securities; ldtt the advanced quota- floes kit ali descriptions' of Stock have
fallen leiek fl.' s- Itch,' the riso.
The 'w • r,!! declined. Loioloii and Binoingliam are Shore, real ollimedtou 27., and Brighton about 17. lower than 1,04' tveek. The Ii';; 151St.-), altionigh rather more extensive than usual, has still been hut trifling.
f4.■irliRDAV. TWili.vE tilt:LOCK.
Consuls (.■i21 flu the ..i.ceount ; but smite heavy sales have ihkpressol the marl:et', mel price is now 92.; 1. Bald: Stock is nominally WI to 201, not It sleet I Itavitle occurred ill it tili, morning. Ex- chequer Bills the "nine 'In the Foreign Market. the ally busi- ness (bat bus oecull..:•4 ff t.; '..• lo'Sn Pocrwmese.and at prices the • -le ;;- !klai .4 Ill alley de.wriptions of l'orciaem 5. ;-el.; (-wahine y, Dutch inid. lit•hilan are nominally bat no i •i! iii dictum, Th, F4111111.!S RTC ,i•i•i 11 72 to nem.; tir, Western
; ; Bryloon 7 ti, flis.
.. • T i, u' tilts. f'..111 ti'Cl..GX. 4%i ..iiis far . ,i-ii.:t ii,v,• lives 1,:is , -t92. ', .■ ,-!,,,,, seller; fit that price.
ii.tle he, ' u i ;I, ' ' h ihia ls. III the Foreign Market.
1...., '• :Ir.. ..1.m...; mph nylon tho appearance
J oho :oils lin. the forinfition of