Mr. Benson tells us that this book is the first
part of a romance which is to be continued in a later volume. The story deals with the old English family of Stonier, whose Elizabethan ancestor sold to the devil, not only his own soul, but those of his descendants. Although the method of life of the Earls of Yardley in the mansion which is known by their own family name of " Stonier " is so mediaeval as to be impossible, Mr. Benson gives us such a vivid picture that it almost convinces us of its truth. Certainly the principal character in the present story, a modern Colin, is so wicked that he appears still to have given himself to the powers of darkness, and it is difficult to see how, if the fate of this character is to be " continued in our next," the final result can be, as Mr. Benson promises, the fading of the legend. Grass of Parnassus. By Mary Fulton. (Chapman and Hall.