23 JUNE 1906, Page 22

The Infantry Vade Mecum. By Captain the Hon. Major R.

Temperley, 3rd V.B. Northumberland Fusiliers. (W. Clowes and Sons. 9d.)—This is an exceedingly valuable aid to the efficient training of infantry. It contains the very essence of the soldier's duties in the field, giving, it may be said, all the essentials, while avoiding everything that is superfluous. A company composed of men who have mastered the contents of Major Temperley's little volume needs only to gain reasonable experience in applying practically such admirable precepts in order to become a well. trained unit. The Infantry Pads Mecum may confidently be recommended, not only to Militia and Volunteers, but also to Regulars. We may add that Lieutenant-Colonel Pollock has very gratefully accepted the generous offer of the author to present a number of copies to the Spectator Experimental Company, and expects to be greatly assisted by the full use which he intends to make of the booklet so kindly placed at his disposal.