These events reduce the armies in the field to three,
the Federal one, 60,000 strong, posted at Frankfort, and supplied from the South, the Austrian, and the North German. All telegraphs have been seized and all communications stopped, but it seems certain that up to yesterday evening Marshal Benedek was still in Moravia, 'with his army posted at Olmutz and Troppan, and face to face with Prince Charles and the Prussian Army of Silesia, but at some distance. The reason for the failure to occupy Dresden is still a secret, and the only conjecture we can offer is that Marshal I3enedek was unwilling to leave Prince Charles a chance of marching through Moravia, a comparatively flat country, direct upon Vienna. It is presumed that when the Austrians are ready two blows will be struck,—one to regain Dresden, which the Prussiansiare fortifying with earthworks, and the other to drive Prince Charles out of Silesia; but even to mention a military design is decidedly treason. Meanwhile the Prussians have called out the last section of the Landwehr, and are con- centrating troops in Dresden, and the people, more especially in-Berlin, are beginning to feel some of the enthusiasm of victory. The disappearance of the Princelings, who have dropped as if through a trap-door in a pantomime, has greatly increased the strength of Unionist feeling,—which is all on the Prussian side.