23 JUNE 1838, Page 10


The majority against Mr.. Johnston (in Linlithgowshire) after two days' poll was 120. He fought the battle well ; and if he has not suc- ceeded, it is because he contended with adversaries who took unfair advantages, and practised dishonest arts. If Mr. Johnston had been as early in the field as his opponent, he would have secured many ad- ditional votes, and Mr. Hope would have been minus an equal number, if the electors had not been entrapped into signing the requisition. We cannot tell the precise amount of fabricated votes put on the re- gister by the Tories ; but they may be counted by scores, and one batch of them was of the most flagrant description.—Scotsman.

The Scottish Reformer's Gazette states that Lord William Bentinck has, for the present, declined accepting the Peerage. This will pre- vent the possibility of Mr. Roebuck throwing the representation of that city into the hands of a Tory.— Globe. For " Roebuck" read " Stewart." The former was first in the field, and the charge of dividing the Reformers would have been more properly applied to the Whig-Tory, Mr. Stewart.] One of the boilers of the steamer James Gallacher, which sails be- tween Glasgow and D.dmuir works, burst on Thursday week, just at the moment she stopped to land passengers at the Railway Wharf, Renfrew. Many persons were more or less scalded—five severely, one of whom, an infant, died almost immediately, and two others, a man and a woman, were not expected to live long, The cause of the acci- dent has not been ascertained.