(To Tile EDITOR or TO " soTkros."] SIR,—I know of one case in which a valuable horse that had broken his wind was saved for many years of usefulness by the simple expedient of turning him out. He was grain-fed on the grass, and was, of course, never clipped. He preserved a good, hard condition, and was equal to any slow work that might be required of him. Polo ponies are made in Ireland by turning out thoroughbred foals on mountain pastures and keeping them there for the first three years of their lives. What they lose in size they gain in vigonr and soundness. On the other hand, it is the common experience of horse- masters that when you stable a horse off the grass he almost invariably develops catarrh. I enclose newspaper report of a prosecution by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for alleged cruelty in the outdoor wintering of horses, which the Magistrates were sensible enough to dismiss. You will see that one of the witnesses, a groom, is reported to have said that be wintered as many as thirty
hories in this way.—I am, Sir, . E. A. F.