NEW EDITIONS AND REPRINTS.—Life of Her Majesty Queen , Victoria. By
G. Barnett Smith. (G. Routledge and Sons.)—This new edition of a book originally published on the occasion of the Queen's Jubilee, has now been supplemented by a narrative of events since 1887. The last record is her Majesty's wish that public celebration of the length of her reign should be postponed till the completion of the sixtieth year of her reign. Possibly it might have been as well to postpone this volume.—A Thousand- and-One Gems of Poetry. Selected and arranged by Charles Mackay,. LL.D. (Same publishers.)—A supplement has been added to this, the twenty-third edition, containing various extracts from Sir E. Arnold, Matthew Arnold, Mr. Alfred Austin, Robert Browning, Lord Macaulay, and Dante Gabriel Rossetti.—The- French Revolution. By Thomas Carlyle. 2 vols. (Same publishers ) Captain Cook's Voyages Round the World. Edited, with a Sketch, of his Life, by Lieutenant Charles R. Low. (Same publishers.)— Little Wanderlin. By Annie and E. Keary. (Macmillan and Co.). —Mr. Midshipman Easy. By Captain Marryat. With Illustrations by W. H. Overend. (Same publishers.)—Manco. the Peruvian Chief. By W. H. G. Kingston. (S. W. Paitridge and Co.)— Deal; Walton's Complete Angler : a Facsimile of the First Edition. With Preface by Richard Le Gallienne. (Elliot Stock.)—The same work. With Introduction by Andrew Lang. Illustrated by' E. J. Sullivan. (J. M. Dent and Co.)—The French Revolution. By Thomas Carlyle. (Chapman and Hall.)—Prometheus Bound. Translated by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. (Ward, Lock, and Co.) Ruskin's Fors Clavigera. Vol. III. (Letters XLIX.-LXXII.) (George Allen.)—Mrs. Augustus Craven. By Maria Catherine Bishop. (Bentley and Son.)—Modern Painting. By George Moore. (Walter Scott )—Writings of Thomas Paine. Collected and edited by Ifoncure Conway. Vol. IV. With the editor's Introduction. (G. P. Putnam's Sons.)—Sophocles in English Verse. By Lewis Camp- bell, M.A. (John Murray.)—Curiosities of Law and Lawyers. By Croake James. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)—Fables and Fabulists. By Thomas Newbiggin. (Elliot Stock.)—Sketch.' Book of the North. By George Eyre-Todd. (Morison Brothers, Glasgow.)—Tom Tones. By Henry Fielding. Edited for the use of modern readers by his Great-granddaughter, J. E. IL Fielding. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—The Adventures of Hajjt Baba of Ispahan. By James Mosier. Edited by C. T. Wills, M.D. With an Introduction by Sir Frederic Goldsrnid. (Lawrence and Bullen.`—A very handsome volume, to which Dr. Wills, who is an authority on Persian matters second to none, supplies notes. The illustrations are partly taken from Persian curios; some have been expressly executed for the edition by Persian artists; and there are some reproductions of Morier's drawings.—The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. With Introduction and Memoir by Richard Henry Stoddard. 6 vols. (Routledge and Sons.)—Antonina; or, The Fall of Rome. By Wilkie Collins. (Chatto and Windus.)—The Children of the King. By F. Marion Crawford. (Macmillan and Co.)—When Charles I. was King. By J. S. Fletcher. (Gay and Bird.)—Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush. By Ian Idaclaren. Illustrated by William Hole, F.S.A. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—This is a very stately edition indeed, on large paper, with some excellent illustrations, as, for example, the fine head of the Elder, Donald Menzies. This edition, limited to four hundred odd copies, completes, it is interesting to be told, the number of eighty-three thousand five hundred copies.
BOOKS RECEIVED.—Protestantism. By Edward P. Usher. (Gay and Bird.)—The Clue to the Ages. Part I., "Creation by Prin- ciple." By Ernest Judson Page. (Baptist Book and Tract Society.)—The Veil Lifted. By H. Martyn Kennard. (Chapman and Hall.)—Concerning the Church. By Joseph Hammond, LL.B. (Skeffington and Son.)—The Bible in the Light of To-Day. By Charles Croslegh, D.D. (S.P.C.K.)—The Supremacy and Strength of Jesus Christ, as set forth in the Epistle to the Hebrews. By Ignotus. (Blackwood and Sons.)—The Hope of Israel. By F. H. Woods, B.D. (T. and T. Clark.)—The New Life in Christ Jesus. Edited by Julian Field. (A. D. Innes and Co.)—History of Dogma. By Adolf Harnack. Translated by Neil Buchanan. Vol. IL (Williams and Norgate.)—Our Sacred Books. By Alex • Sorell Cantley. (Neville Beeman.)—The Bible its Own Witness. By Chagab. (Elliot Stock.)—From the Garden to the Cross. By A. B. Cameron, D.D. (Isbister and Co.)—Christianity and Social Problems. By Lyman Abbott. (James Clarke and Co.) — NOUS on Christian Doctrine. By the Right Rev. C. Bagshawe. (Began Paul and Co.)— Bell's Reader's Shakespeare. (G. Bell and Sons.)—Vol. II. of this useful edition, abbreviated for the use of readers.—Cartu/ary of the Monastery of S. Frideswide. Vol. II. By the Rev. Spenser R. Wigram. (Clarendon Press.)—Suppression of the Slave Trade, by W. E. Burghardt Du Bois ; and The Federal Constitution in Massachusetts, by E. B. Harding, "Harvard Historical Studies" (Longmans and Co.)— German Social Democracy. By Bertrand Russell, B.A. (Same publishers.)—The Court of England under George IV. 2 vols. (John Macqueen.)—The Maritime Codes of Spain and Portugal. By F. W. Raikes, Q.C. (E. Wilson.)—Mercantile Practice. By G. Johnson (Same publisher.)—Eggs of British Birds. By Frank Poynting. (R. H. Pcrter.)—Marketalde Marine Fishes. By J. T. Cunningham, M A. (Macmillan and Co )—Problenis of Biology. By G. Sandeman, M.A. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—Lectures on Occult Science and Theosophy : the Trans- cendental Universe. By C. G. Harrison. (Redway.)
(For Publications of the Week, see next page.)