Memoir of John Veitch, LL.D., Professor of Logic and Rhetoric, University of Glasgow. By Mary R. L. Bryce. (W. Blackwood and Sons.)—Few lives have been so smooth and uneventful as that of the subject of this biography. He went to college with a view to the ministry, but preferring teaching, became a professor of some distinction,—first at the University of Aberdeen, after- wards at the University of Edinburgh. He was, further, a minor poet, and a philosopher, and though his writings on logic and philosophy have not won hiva great fame, they are highly meri- torious performances. His best work, a work that lute already become classic, is "Border Essays." But he wrote much else, and was a frequent contributor to Blackwood's Magazine. For the rest, Dr. Veitch was a man of high culture and noble nature, adored by his family and beloved by his friends. The memoir is gracefully and sympathetically written, and will be read with in- terest by all who had the pleasure of knowing him;' but it is too local and too entirely Scottish to find any very large number of readers on this side of the border.