It is now finally arranged that her Majesty will open the session of Parliament on Tuesday next. Orders for erecting seats in the Painted Chamber, and making other necessary preparations, have been issued from the Lord Chamberlain's Office, and workmen are now busily em- ployed in completing the arrangements for her Majesty's reception.— Standard, Jan. 20.
The address of the Lords, in reply to her Majesty's Speech on open- ing the coming session of Parliament, will be moved by Lord Ducie, and seconded by Lord Lurgan.—Globe.
Cabinet Councils were held on Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday. The two former were held at the Foreign Office ; the last at the official residence of Lord Melbourne in Downing Street. The Council on Thursday sat from three o'clock till six.
A fourth Cabinet Council was held at three o'clock yesterday after- noon, at Lansdowne House. All the Cabinet Ministers were present ; and the Council sat two hours and a half.
Lord Melbourne gave a Cabinet dinner on Saturday evening, at his residence in South Street. All the Ministers were present except Sir John Hobhouse.
The Marquis of Lansdowne has issued cards for a grand dinner at Lansdowne House this evening, to all the Corps Diplomatiqe.
The Marquis of Lansdowne, as Lord President of the Council, will give on the 30th instant a grand dinner, at which the roll of Sheriffs for the present year will be arranged, previous to its being submitted to her Majesty in Council.
The Members of the House of Commons have already commenced pairing, to avoid the inconvenience of attending to their duties in Par- liament. The first announcement of the kind is, that the Honourable Colonel Pierce Butler, M.P. for Kilkenny, has paired off till the end of February.
The Morning Chronicle takes upon itself to deny that there is a word of truth in the statement we copied last week from the Kentish Gazelle, to the effect that the Marquis Conyngliam has gone over to the Tories.
The Dublin correspondent of the Times states, that the Ministerial bill respecting Irish registrations, intended to supplant Lord Stanley's, has been already drawn up and sent to the printer. It is stated that its provisions are fully as stringent as those proposed by Lord Stanley. The Globe, on the other hand, says- " Already it is whispered that Lord Stanley will abandon his bill, as a direct attack on the Irish franchise, and will endeavour to engraft its more subtle and injurious clauses on the bill for the improvement of the registration which is to be introduced by the Government."
As we find that, in several of the country towns, balls in celebration of the christening of the Princess Royal are -fixed for the 10th of next month, conditionally that the ceremony takes place on that day, we think it as well to repeat our former announcement that the Princess will be christened on that day.—Globe.
The King of Hanover transmitted through the hands of Sir Frederick Watson the sum of 501., to distribute in coals, &c. to the poor of the parish of Kew during the late inclement weather.
We are able to announce that Lord Bateman is to be the Lord- Lieutenant for Herefordshire, in ,he stead of the late Lord Somers.— Globe, Jan. 16.
We learn from the West of England Conservative, that Colonel APCullum has been appointed to succeed the late Lieutenant-Colonel Walker in command of the Royal Marines in Syria.
During the week, great activity has been apparent in the Embassies of Austria, Russia, Turkey, and Prussia. Baron Bulow, the Turkish Ambassador, Baron Brnnow, Baron Nieumann, and Viscount Palmer- ston, have had several conferences. Late on Tuesday night Baron Fegesaeh left Ashburnham House for Berlin, charged with despatches.
It is said that the Portuguese Government have concluded a contract for 2,000 sets of saddlery, 12,000 sets of accoutrements, and other mi- litary stores ; and that the English Government has agreed to give them on credit a large quantity of muskets, pistols, and other arms.— Globe.
It is confidently stated in the Courts that Mr. Justice Littledale will retire from the bench on the last day of the present term.—Morning Chronicle.
The expected resignation of Mr. Justice Littledale has given rise to various speculations in the Law Courts as to his successor on the Bench. We learn from the Times— "One of the most current rumours is, that the Attorney-General, fearing that the present Administration may soon be no more heard of, and being heartily tired of the hard work of the bar, intends to claim the appointment. Others say, that the Solicitor-General will take the legal post ; but then, against this it is urged, that Newark is not sufficiently secure for the Govern- ment to permit that seat to be vacated. Beyond these two gentlemen rumour has not gone; but various have been the conjectures as to the new Solicitor- General, presuming either the Attorney or Solicitor-General should be raised to the Bench. Mr. Erie and Mr. Austin are the favourites."
The Poor-law Commissioners have sent a circular letter to the Boards of Guardians of Unions, in which they notice the prevalence of small- pox in the Metropolis; the greater portion of the patients, however, not having been vaccinated. The Commissioners enumerate various precautions which they wish to be taken to prevent the spread of the disease.
We are happy to hear that our army is to be increased to the extent of 10,000 men. They are much wanted. There is also a rumour— how true we know not—that an addition is to be made to the Marines. —Brighton Gazette.
The Portsmouth correspondent of the Brighton Gazette gives the fol- lowing account of the preparations in that port-
" The only ships equipping at this port are the Indus, 84, Captain Sir James Stirling, and Tweed, 20, Commander Douglas. There is, however, the same activity in the public establishments as heretofore: several large ships are rapidly approaching to completion, for commission if required."
The Moniteur of Friday publishes a compendious statement issued from the Finance Department of the French Government, which gives comparative statements of the receipts (produced by duties in direct
taxes, &c.) of the year 1840, and those of the years 1838 and 1839. From these statements it would appear, that there has been an increase
in the receipts of 1840 over those of 1838 of 32,450,000 f., and in the receipts of 1840 over those of 1839 one of 25,246,000 f., making alto- gether a net increase of 57,696,000 f. From the comparative statement
of the receipts of 1840 and those of 1839, it appears that upon the fol- lowing articles there has been an increase in favour of 1840—namely, in the register, stamp, and mortgage-duties, an increase of 4,190,000 f. ;
in customs and navigation duties, 6,962,000 f.; in the duties on foreign sugar, 3,914,000 f. ; in the liquor-duties, 2,475,000 f. ; in the duties on home manufactured sugar, 1,184,000 f. ; in indirect taxes (public con- veyances, &c.) 747,000£ ; in the produce of the sale of tobacco, 4,159,000 f.; in the taxation of letters, and the duty of 5 per cent, on re- mittances of money, 1,504,000 f, besides an increase in several other
items. A diminution has been sustained in 1840 upon the following— namely, in the duties on French colonial sugar, 812,000 f. ; and in the duties on the consumption of salt collected in the interior, 9,000 f. The total net increase in favour of 1840 amounts to the sum of 25,246,000 f.,
including a diminution in the last three months of that year of 877,000 f. The Commerce states that Marshal Soult was examined on Friday before the Committee appointed to report on the demand for supple- mentary and extraordinary credits for the year 1841. The Marshal entered, into a detailed explanation of the effective of the army, and the state of the armaments. The Minister particularly explained the system of the army of reserve, with which he was actively occupied.
The Commerce states, that out of 534,000,000 francs which were demanded by M. Hamann in the Chamber of Deputies on Monday, 228,000,000 only are applicable to expenses really productive—that is to say, to public works : the surplus belongs:in the following proportions- 254,000,000 for extraordinary war expenses, and 52,000,000 for extra- ordinary expenses for the navy. At the head of the 254,000,000 re- quired for the war department, figure 92,000,000 for the fortifications of Paris, without including the sums granted in the estimates for 1840
and 1841. The Government, in accord with M. Thiers, estimates the enlire expense at 140,000,000. Then follow 75,000,000 to complete the defence of the frontiers and the interior ; so that the Minister only re-
quires half as much for defending the entire frontier of France as he demands for the fortification of Paris alone. Of the 52,000,000 required for the navy department, 44,000,000 are required, not to complete, but to continue the breakwater and the maritime arsenal of Cherbourg. The other 8,000,000 are to be employed in various civil and naval establishments, which M. Humann has not designated in his report. The 534,000,000 required by M. Hamann exceeds by 84,000,000 the loan of 450,000,000 proposed some days since.
The Paris papers of Wednesday continue to speak of differences of opinion in the Cabinet ; Humann and Teste being opposed altogether to the fortifications of Paris ; and while Marshal Soult inclines to but one feature of the plan, the forts detadds, the other members of the Cabinet seem disposed to support the entire project. The fact of M. Thiers having dined privately with the King, has given rise to a ru- mour that he is about to resume office.
The cold weather has returned in Paris as well as London. On Wednesday there was a heavy fall of snow.
The particulars of the conclusion of peace between France and Buenos Ayres have been published. The treaty of peace consists of seven articles. The first article recognizes the propriety of an indem- nity to be paid to French subjects for losses sustained; the amount of indemnity to be determined by a commission consisting of six persons, three to be appointed by each party. In case of disagreement, the mat- ter is to be referred to the decision of a third power, to be selected by France. The second article provides for the raising of the blockades of the Argentine ports and the evacuation of the isle of Martin Garcia by the French, within eight days of the ratification of the treaty by the Government of Buenos Ayres. It is further provided that the island shall be given up in the same state of defence as it was in on the 10th October 1838. The fourth article guarantees that the Government of Buenos Ayres will continue to recognize the "perfect and absolute in-
dependence of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay," according to the terms of the treaty of peace concluded with Brazil in August 1828. The fifth article provides that, until the conclusion of a treaty of com- merce and navigation between France and the Republic, the citizens of each, in either country, shall be treated as the subjects of the most fa- voured nation. The sixth article stipulates, that notwithstanding the provision of the preceding article, if before the conclusion of a treaty with France, the Argentine Republic should think fit to extend to the subjects and citizens of all or of any part of the States of South Ame- rica special and peculiar privileges, these shall not be held to extend to citizens of France. The seventh article provides for the ratification and the exchange of ratifications at Paris within eight months, or as soon after as possible.
The Temps and quotidienne announce that Roses, the Governor of Buenos Ayres, intends to come to France with his daughter, on board the French squadron.
We understand that by the conclusion of peace hetween France and Buenos Ayres, British property locked up at Montevideo, to the value of 1,000,000/. sterling, will be released. This property was of a perish- able character, and therefore the most liable to suffer from the con- tinuance of the French blockade.—Observer.
The Opposition prints in Paris labour hard to induce the Ministry and the Chamber of Deputies to reject the terms of peace concluded
with the Chief of the Republic of Buenos Ayres, and thus to continue the blockade, and the annihilation of neutral commerce. The great cause of complaint is that Lavelle and the other allies of France are not sufficiently taken care of. The treaty is said to have been concluded in full conformity with the instructions of M. Thiers. Those instructions are said to have been, to get the French fleet back as soon as possible, and at any price ; to stipulate for the security of the allies of France, if they had at all a chance of succeeding, but if not, to abandon them to them fate.
The celebrated Bertrand Barrere, formerly a member of the National Convention, died on the 13th instant, at Tarbes, his native place, in the 85th year of his age. After making himself conspicuous as a lawyer in the Parliament of Toulouse he became a journalist and a political man. Barrere was a member of the States General, of the Constituent Assembly, of the Tribunal of Cessation, of the National Convention, (of which he was President in 1792,) of the Legislative Body, and of the Chamber of Deputies of the Hundred Days ; and took a most active part in the political struggles of the last fifty years.
The Commerce states that the Minister of the Interior has allowed the drama Jig avait one fois un Roi et one Reine to undergo another exami- nation by the censors ; and that the author having consented to alter it, there are hopes that it will be soon brought out.
A serious accident occurred at the port of Boulogne on Friday morn- ing. About noon, the Beaver mail-packet, Captain Mudge, made Bou- logne instead of Calais. As there was not sufficient water in the har- bour, she signalled for a boat to fetch the mail-bag. A pilot-boat put off; and as there was a strong current, she took three more men than her usual number, with the pilot, in all eight persons. The boat reached the packet without difficulty, took on board the mail-bags, two pas- sengers, and the mate in charge of the mail. They had got within 200 yards of the jetty, when she was struck by a sea which half filled her, and before she righted she was again struck, and swamped. Captain Mudge, the moment he saw what occurred, let go his boat and picked up three persons—the pilot, a passenger, and a French sailor. Two sailors floated ashore, and after some time animation was restored. Of the three persons taken on board, two were dead before they reached the deck. The other, a French sailor, recovered- Thus two passengers, the mate of the steamer, the pilot, and four men, lost their lives. The names of the passengers are Mr. C. P. Tachereau, Beauce, Lower Canada, and M. Horne, a friend of the former, and also a Canadian.
The National states that the Ministry has met a severe check. It reckoned upon convicting the Liberal du Nord, a violent Opposition journal, for a libel ; but the Chambre des Mises en Accusation declared that there was not sufficient grounds to maintain a prosecution, and the matter drops to the ground.
Switzerland at the present moment occupies a troublous prominence, an insurrection having broken out in Solenre and Argovia.
A new constitution was lately adopted by the Grand Council of Soleure, and also by that of Argovia. Both made considerable changes, especially in electoral voting ; and they might be considered as the commencement of electoral reform. The project of Soleure was carried in the Great Council, by 84 votes against 6. It was still to be voted by the people ; and were it rejected, the law had established that the old constitution should be in vigour for ten years. The reform was re- sisted by the aristocratic party, and also by the Catholics who disliked the new law because it tended to remove the conduct of education from the hands of the priests. The opposition held a public meeting at NIumbisugh on the 3d instant, and declared against the constitution ; claiming, in case of a rejection of the project of constitution, the form- ation of a provincial assembly in order to prepare a new one. The Government of Soleure immediately adopted measures to suppress the insurrection. Several arrests took place. The Provincial Government removed to the arsenal in order to hold its sittings, and asked the Federal Directory, which has recently removed to Berne, for assistance; which was promptly rendered, and the disturbance was put down.
With other cantons, Argovia furnished its contingent of troops; but was obliged to recall it, to suppress an insurrection of the same kind within its own limits. The new constitution of Argovia was yet more liberal than that of Soleure ; since it allowed all the inhabitants to vote, with- out distinction as to their having the right of burghers or not. It had been adopted by the people, by 15,306 votes to 11,480. The Catholics, who are in a minority, demanded to have as many representatives in the Grand Council as the Protestants, and enforced their demand with armed menaces. An attempt by the officers of Government to arrest the leaders of the revolt, on the 10th, was repulsed with bloodshed. On the 11th, the insurgents, who were in possession of the churchyard of Vilmergen, were attacked and dislodged by the troops of the canton. Fifteen were killed on the side of the revolters, and two of the troops The insurgents, however, received reinforcements, and made another attempt on the 12th. Five hundred troops despatched against the re-
volted districts encountered them near Muri, and put them completel i y to the route. Some monks, who were implicated n the revolt, took refege in the Catholic canton of Lucerne.
The people of Soleure have since accepted the new constitution, by 6,289 votes to 2,277.
The Madrid papers of the 12th announce that it is the intention of' the Regency to put in commission two or three ships of the line, five or six frigates, and some smaller vessels, to cooperate with the land forces, should a rupture arise between Spain and Portugal. In such an event, the squadron would be placed under the command of Admiral Capaz. There does not, however, appear to be any serious grounds for the belief that any such rupture will take place. The Regency re- treived on the 12th, by an extraordinary courier, a despatch from Lisbon, which conveyed to it the official assurance that the Portuguese Ministry would advocate the execution of the treaty before the Cortes, and even make it a Cabinet measure.
From 'Lisbon, papers and letters have been received to the 11th. The Douro dispute is still the engrossing topic. Count De Almoster, a son of the Marquis De Saldanha, had arrived express from Madrid with despatches for the Portuguese Government. The Ministry, however, had not thought proper to disclose the communication it had received, but had contented itself with stating that the Cabinet of Madrid would not consent to withdraw its ultimatum, having decided upon waiting -until the end of the present month for the fulfilment of the promises made by Portugal, rejecting the mediation of England; and it is more- over said that the Spanish Regency will not treat any further with the existing Portuguese Ministry.
In several districts of the country the populace have risen in arms to oppose the execution of the acts recently passed for the purpoie of re- cruiting the ranks of the army. In some cases the recruits have been rescued, and in one instance a detachment of infantry has been defeated with some loss.
Letters from Constantinople to the 28th of December, state the terms upon which the Porte has agreed to restore the Pashalk of Egypt to Mehemet Ali. The Sultan, "in deference to his august Allies," consented to accept the submission of Mehemet Ali, with a promise to grant him the hereditary government of Egypt, provided that he pre- viously and without delay evacuated Syria, and restored the fleet. These terms are virtually the same as Admiral Stopford's agreement with the Pasha. The firman conveying the reappointment is said to have been signed on the 27th.
By advices from Alexandria of the 26th ultimo, we learn that Mehe- met Ali had written to Admiral Stopford, praying him to reopen the communications in order that he might inform his son of the cessation of hostilities ; and the Hydra steamer had been placed at his disposal, to carry his letter to Marmorice Bay. Candia has formally submitted to the Porte. The firman declaring the island under its immediate domination was published on the 17th -ultimo, in the island, by Nourri Bey, who reached Cerina on board an Austrian steamer.