23 FEBRUARY 1924, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sra,—In the Spectator of October 20th, just recently to hand, Mr. Evelyn Wrench endeavours to support his. use of the phrase, " free nationhood within the British Commonwealth," to which Mr. John S. Ewart, K.C., " the distinguished Canadian publicist and lawyer," justly takes exception. In doing so Mr. Wrench says, " I will not include the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council," that is, as a link of Empire, " for there is a strong section of opinion overseas that desires to abolish appeals to this body." In this statement Mr. Wrench, if I may say so, is quite mistaken so far as concerns Australia: There is no section—certainly no appreciable section—or one worthy of the adjective " strong "—in Australia desiring " to abolish appeals to this body " ; that is, the Privy Council, and therefore, link or no link; it is at present in no danger.

With this subject, and the fallacious use of the term •" link'•' as applied to the Privy Council Appeal, I dealt at some length in the- Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law, for November, last year, and need not occupy space repeating what I then said.—I am, Sir, &c., J. H. SYMON.

Adelaide, South. Australia.

January 5th.

[Mr. Wrench referred, no doubt, to the campaign in Canada F:gainst the Judicial Committee.—En. Spectator.]