[To THE EDITOR OF THE 'SPECTATOR.") ' SIE,—Fortunately no Act of Parliament is required for amending or superseding the Accession Service. It is no part of the Book of Common Prayer, and is not included within the rigid provisions of the Acts of Uniformity.' It was appended to the printed editions of the Prayer-book bythe same authority, or with the same lack of authority, en the services for November 5th, January 30th, and May 29th, the use of which was enjoined by Order in Council at the beginning of each reign. The last Order was dated on the day after the Accession of the late Qaeen; a similar Order of January 17th, 1859, cancelled the injunction as regarded the other three forms, but retained that for the Accession.. 'It has now, of course, lapsed, and there is now no authority of any kind for the use of this extraordinary composition, nor will be unless a like Order is made.—I am, Sir, &c.,