23 FEBRUARY 1850, Page 11

Tm3 Learp-DvaDrars DtvlsloN. -

Protectionist Minority. Ministerial .Majority.

The Absent.

England : Counties .. 107 Boroughs. 97 England : Counties.. 27 Boroughs. 183 England : Counties., Boroughs . 23 60 Scotland : Counties . 11 'Scotland: Counties . 10 Scotland : Counties . 8 Boroughs. 0 Boroughs. 20 Boroughs. 3 Ireland: Counties... 25 Ireland: Counties... 18

Ireland : Counties...

20 Boroughs. 14 Boroughs. 17 Boroughs. 10



Kirkcudbright and Sligo Vacant. The Speaker not included.

Names of the Absent.

Adam, Viscount. Darner, Col. G. Howard, Philip II. Powlett, Lord W. Adderley, Chas. B. Davies, D. A. S. Hughes, W. B. . Roberto*, T. J. A.

Alexander, Nath. Denison, Lord A. Keating, Robert. Robinson, Geo. 11. Alford, Viscount. Denison, E. B. Kerrison, Sir E. Roche, Edinund B, Anstey, Thomas C. Duckworth, Sir .7. Lawless, Hon. C. J. Roebuck, John A.

.Armstrong, R. B. Duff, James. . Lincoln, Earl. Rothschild, Baron. Ashley, Lord. Duncan, Viscount. Lockhart, Allan E. Sadleir, John. Baldwin, Charles B. Duncombe, Hon. 0. Loveden, Pryse. Seaham, Viscount. Baring, Major H. B. Dundas, George. Macnamara, Maj.. Seymour, Sir H. Bt.

Baring, Hon. Fres. Edwards, Henry. M'Neill, Duncan. Smith, Martin T. Bell, John. Emlyn, Viscount. Megan, Wm. lien. Somerton, Visct.

Benbow, John. Ewart, William. ' Maher, Nicholas. Stanley, Hon. E. H.

Benett, John. Fagan, James. Marshall, James"G‘ Stephenson, Robt. Bernard, Viscount. Ferguson, Lt.-Col. Molesworth, Sir. W. Sutton, John H. M. Blacker, -Major S. Fitzpatrick, J. W. Moore, G; IL. Thompson, Ald. W. Blake, Martin J. Fitzwilliam, Hon. G. Morgan, H. 11: G. Thompson, George.

Boyd, John. French, Fitzstephen. Nichol], Rt,Hon. J. Train, George. Brackley, Viscount. Glyn, George Carr. Northland, Viset. Urquhart, David. Brocklehurst, John. Granby, Marquis of. Nugent, Sir P. Bt. Vane, Lord Harry. Brooke, Sir A. Bart. Greenall, Gilbert. O'Brien, Sir L. Bt. Vcscy, Hon. Thus. Brown, Humphrey. Greenfell, C. W.: O'Brien, John. Vivian, John Ennis. Bruce, Lord Ernest. Heald, James. O'Connell, John. Vyvyan, Sir R. R. . Bruen, Col. Henry. Ileathcoat, John. Osborne, Ralph B. M alter, Richard. ,Bulkeley, Sir R. Bt. Heathcote, G. J. Ossulston, Lord. Walter, John.

Butler, Pierce S. Herbert, Rt.Hon. S. Oswald, Alexander. Wellesley, Lord C. Cavendish, W. G. Hindley, Charles. Owen, Sir John, Bt. Westenra, Hon. J. C. Clements, Hon. C. Hodgson, W. N. Palmer, Roundel. Whitmore, Thos. C.

Cochrane, Alex. Hope, Sir John. Peel, Col. Jonathan. Willyams, H. Coke, Hon. E. K. Horsman, Edward. Beta, Samuel II. Wood, Sir C. .

'Crawford, W. S. Ilouldsworth, 1'. Philips, Sir G. It. Wrightson, W. B. . Dalrymple, Capt. J. Howard, Hon. J. K. Rowel, Col. W. E. Wynn, C. W. W.

The following Members, who were among the " absent" at the division en Sir John Trollope's Protectionist Amendment on the Address, appeared on this occasion, and voted as follows. For Mr. Disraeli's Motion, 44.

Anson, Visct. Euston, Earl of. Lewisham, Visct. Pennant, Colonel. Arbuthnott, Lt.-Gn. Gordon, Admiral. Lockhart, W. Bigot, Sir R. Blackstone, W. S. Gore, W. R. (Sligo) Lennox, Lord Alex. Renton, J. C. Blair, S. Grace, 0. D. J. Macnaghton, Sir E. St. George, Chris. Burrell, Sir C. Hall, Col. J. Mandeville Visct. Sidney, Alderman. Chichester, Lord J. Homage, E. Meagher, T. Sullivan, AL

Christy, S.Hope, A. J. B. Newry & Marne, Vt. Talbot, C. R.

Clive, Hon. It. H. -.Jocelyn, Visct. Nugent, Lord. Townley, It. G. Corry, H. T. Ker, R. O'Connor, F. Tyre% Sir J.

Drax, I. S. Lacy, H. C. O'Flaherty, A. Wodeliouse, E.

Egerton, W. T. Lennard, T. B. Patten, .1. \V. Wegg-Prosser.

Against ?t, 32.

Anderson, A. Drummond, Home. Howard, Sir R. Raphael, A. Bowles, Admiral. Duff, G. S. Hutt, W. Reynolds, J.

Bunbury, E. H. Ellice junior, E. Keogh, W. Smollett, A. Burke, Sir T. J. Greene, T.

Mahon, O'Gorman. Somers, J. P.

Campbell, W. F. Grosvenor, Earl. Morris, D. B.

Spearman, H. J. Ccnbally, M. E. Hgl, Sir B. Norreys, Sir D. Talbot, J. H. Curteis, Ii. M. D'Eyncourt, C. T. Hope, H ie'A..P. (Glasgow) O'Brien, Timothy. Tollemache, F. J. Pendarves, E. 'VV. Wawn, J. T.

The following 31 Members voted against Sir John Trollope's Amend- ment, but voted on this occasion with Mr. Disraeli.

Acland, Sir T. D. Dramlanrig, Visct. Mahon., Visct. Sheridan, B. Beckett, W.Estcourt, Lieut.-Col. Monsell, W. Simeon, J. Castlereagh, Visct. Gladstone, W. E. Mure, Col. Stuart, H.

Charteris, Ha. F. W. Hayes, Sir E. S. Packington, Sir J. TheAger, Sir F.

Clifford, Lieut.-Col. Ileneage, G. H. W. Plowden, W. H. Turner, G. I.

Sanders, CsolGonel. 'Villiers, Visct.

Cocks,' T. S.

Cnbitt, W. C. Sir I. V.

Young, Sir J. Currie, H. Lindsay, Lieut.-Col. Sanders, Jos.