The Post Office London Directory. (Kelly's Directories. 32s. with the
Suburbs, 405.; or in 2 vols., 43s. 6d.)-The Directory continues to grow, the London proper portion now reaching a total of 3,469 pages, and the whole, taking in the suburbs, 4,631. These figures are difficult to realise. We do not know whether we may make it easier when we say that there must be here more than six million words. The accuracy preserved in such a mass of matter is a wonder. The official information is, as usual, kept up to the latest date. Appointments made but a fortnight before the day on which this notice is recorded have found their proper place. Of course the perversity of politicians, of which weekly journals have such frequent cause to complain, has made it impossible to correct the list of Ministers of State. We must not omit to call attention to the admirable map of London. This can be purchased separately, duly mounted, or in a highly con- venient book form, for 102. 6d., or in a plain sheet for 3s. 6d.