Altman—At Grateseld, 17th Dcc. Helen, Dunn, from Calcutta ; 19th, Africa, Bax- ter; and Marquis of Bute, Lamont, from Ditto; 21st, Robert Stride, Supurgau, from Ditto; and Talent. Finney. from Sydney. At Liverpool. 16th Ditto, Gentoo, Cubitt, from Calcutta; 18th, D'Arey, Garrick. from Manilla; 20th, Patriot Queen, Adamson. from Calcutta; and 2Ist, Mona. Shaw, from Ditto. At Belfast, 15th Ditto, Oriza. Ager, from China. At St. Helena, 3.1 Nov. Meg of Meldon. B:easdale, from Calcutta ; 10,11, William, Le Blair.. from Java; and Cuthbert, Young, trom Calcutta. At the Cape, Previous to 21st Oct. Solway, Spence; Rival, Durant; Wellington, Kennel'; Mary Hay, Volum ; Marmion. Dahlia ; and Planet, Baillie, from London ; Nabob, witsou; Olivia. Roome; and Pearl. Burrows, from ClICUita. SAILED—Frum Gem eseud, 150i Dec. Chinn, Livesay. for Calcutta; and 21st, Ma- dura, Smith, for Madras. From Liverpool, 1811, Ditto; Tigris. Mawson, for Calcutta; 19th. Tapley. M'Keutie, for China; and Eagle, Robson ; and Agnes Ewing, Reid, for Bombay ; 20th. lemur de Lion, Kendall, for Calcutta ; and England's Queen, James; and' Princess Charlotte, Griffiths. for Bombay. From the Clyde, 18th Ditto, Frances Burn, Edington, for Ceylon; uud 1911, Sarah Botsford, M Phun, for Bombay. SATURDAY Mortara°. ARRIVED -In the Downs, t2d Instant. Mary Stuart, Bloom; aud Richmond, Father, from the Cape. At Batavia, 21st Aug. Lima Packet, Stanton, from Dublin.