Tuesday, April 19.
J. and A. Stillwell, Hillingdon End. Uxbridge, surgeons—Jacquler and Moulin, Crispin Street, Spitalfields, machine-manufacturers —Bond and Blezard, Manchester, wool carders—Renton and Co. Sheffield. tailors—King and Stevens, Bamptots, Oxford- shire, plumbers—Wedgwood and Co. Etruria, Staffordshire, manufacturers of earthen- ware; as far as regards J. Wedgwood—Newton and Berry, Chancery Lane. patent agents—Hewett and Blathwayt, East Daley, Berkshire, surgeons—Barns and Hughes. Liverpool, lath-cleavers—Alawbey and King, Mount Row, Islington, oilmen—Tyas and Sykes, Mlrfield, Yorkshire, corremillers—Watkinson and Haigh, Huddersfield, woolleu-merchauts—Buckland and Marshall, Yeovil, linendrapers—J. and It. Farmer, Nottingham, lineudeapers—Wooddil and Co. Liverpool, milliners—Coling and Rolls, Chipping Norton, mercers—Moss and Levy, High Street, Shadwell, clothiers —Wheeler and Unpin, Leadenhall Street, auctioneers—Angier and Wood, Philpot Lane—J. and A. B. bletherell, Paigntou, Devoushire, wheelwrights—Hopkins and Co. Plymouth, civil engineers—Barnard and Wall, Boston, brewers—Blundell and Drury, Lincoln,
cigar-manufacturers. INSOLVENTS.
KING, WILLIAM Hung, and Co. Old Street Road. coachbuilders. April 15. WALLts, WILLIAM and Joan, Lincoln, corn-merchants, April 16.
Anus:soar, Joust, Goole, Yorkshire, joiner, to surrender April 26. May 31: mil' citors. Messss. Galsworthy and Nichols, Lincoln's Inn ; and Mr. Wilson, Goole.
BILIGLEY, JAMES, Camden Town, victualler. April 29, May 31: solteitors. Parnell adn Cu. Church Street, Spitalfields ; official assignee, Mr. Gmbam, liaslughiali Street- Bowtev. RussELL, Bishop Wearmouth. seriveuer. May 10, 31: solicit rs, Messrs. Fisher and Bird, King Street, Cheapside ; and Mr. Snowball. South Shields.
BOHGLINVAL. ALFRED. and Fasaisororr, JOSEPH, Stratford, Essex, chemists. April 26. May 31: solicitor. Mr. Ashurst. Cheapside; theist assignee. Mr, Green, Aldermaubury.
BUTLER, PSULIP, Leamington Priori. butcher. May 2, 31: solicitors, Mr. Hall, New Boswell Court; and Messrs. Patterson and Co. Leamington Priors.
ST. CLAIR, GEORGE HORATIO. Birmingham, pawnbroker. April 29, May 31: soli- citors, Mr. Chaplin. Gray's Inn Square; and Mr. Harrison, Birmingham.
DEAN, Joust, liabergham Eaves, Lancashire, cottou-spinuer, May 6, 31 : solicitors. Messrs. Milos and Co..Temple; and Messrs. Buck and Eastwood, Burnley.
GRIZISHAW, JoatanSRawcliffe, Yorkshire, draper, Apri126, May 31 : solicitors. Messrs. Capee and Stuart, Gray's IUD; and Mr. Shearburn, Snaith.
Hisrow. Joan, Tipton. Staffordshire. currier, May 6, 21: solicitors, Mr. Austin, Threadneedle Street; and Mr. Shaw, Dudley.
HURLEY. JOSEPH, Woburn, plumber, May 2, 31: solicitors, Messrs. Haines. Testis- tock Place; and Mr. Day, Woburn. JONES. ROBERT. Shrewsbury. grocer, May 3, 31: solicitors, Messrs. Cuvelje arid Co. Southampton Buildings; aud Mr. Patin. Shrewsbury. OLDHAM, ELISIIA and Taomes, Cheltenham, builders, April 27, May 31: solicitors, Messrs. Shearman and Evans. Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Paris, Stroud. Powromanom, Arroeto, Broad Street, Golden Square, oilman, April 26. May 31: soli- citors, Reed and Shaw, Friday Street; official aesiguee, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street. REED, JAMES, Leeds, cloth-dresser. April 30, May 31 : solicitors. Messrs. Robinson and Barlow. Essex Street. Strand; and Messrs. Ward and Son. Leeds.
Simms, Joseee. Camberwell, victualler, April 29, May 31: solicitors. Messrs. Thompson and Hewitt. Bucklersbury; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane. Sienar. EDWARD. Las rence Lane, woollen-warehouseman, April 28, May 31: soli-
citors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple; Mr. Sutton, Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Groom. Abchurch Lane.
Stems- issauss, Sheffield, cutlery-manufacturer, April 29, May 31: solicitors, Mr. Wilson, Southampton Street. Bloomsbury Square; and Wilson aud Younge, Sheffield.
SPENCE, EDWARD, Kuottiugley, Yorkshire, innkeeper, April 26. May 31; solicitors, Messrs. Bettye and Co. Chancery Lane; and Mr. Stewart. Wakefield. %Velma. WILLIAM. Lincoln, tailor, April 28, May 31: solicitors, Messrs. Dawes and Son. Angel Court, Throgruorton Street; and Mr. Moore, Lincoln. WILKINSON, %swam. Manchester, dealer in toys. May 3,31; solicitors, Messrs. Slater and Heelis. Manchester; and Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple.
Woons, Slum Lower Thames Street. liceused-victualler, April 28, May 31: soli- citors, Messrs. Mardon and Pritchard, Newgate Street; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry.
WORSLEV. Taos, Stockport, hosier, May 2.31; solicitors, Messrs. Abbotaud Aruey, Charlotte Street, Bedford Square; acid Messrs. Bennett, Manchester.
May 10. Collinson and Brown, Oxford Street, upholsterers-May 10, Appleton, Walnut Tree Walk, Lambeth, corn-dealer- May 12, Amos, Walbrook, sponge-mer- chant-May 11, Dunn, Caiuscross, Gloucestershire, wool merchant-May 14, Watson, Gainsborough, shipwright-May 13, Earle, Kingston-upon-Hull, stone-mason-May 12, Bumpstead, Halesworth, Suffolk, grocer-May 12, Walker, Market Rosen. fell- monger-May 14, Buckley. Manchester, bum-merchant -May 11, Sperling. Halstead, Essex, scrivener-May 11, Kershaw, Manchester. machine-maker-May 11. Burton, Nuneaton. tanner -May 14, Wright, coach-maker-May 14, Hampson. Liverpool. broker-May 16, T. and W. Reeves, Whistoues, Worcestershire, coach-builders-May
13, Morrish. Keynsliam. Somersetshire, maltster- May 13. Nield and Co. Quick. York- shire, cotton-spinners-J. and J. Nield, Quick, Yorkshire, esttou-spinners - May 12, Bickerton, Newtown, Moutgomeryshire, lineudraper -May 12. Rayner, Halesworth, Suffolk, draper- May 21, Stocks, Heaton Mersey, Lancashire, manufacturer.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the confreres. on or before May 10.
Forge, Billingsgate, fish-salesman-V. and J. Hare. Taunton, house-agents-Cock- burn, New Broad Street, merchant-Halliley, Leeds, cloth-manutacturer-Chauniug, North Petherton. Somersetshire, victualler-Partridge, Birmingham, dealer in Bir- mingham and Sheffield wares-Caporu, Bedford, liueudraper -Richardson, Woburu Building. cowkeeper - Smith, Doncaster, British wine manufacturer - Day, Little
Yarmouth, paper-maker. SCoTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. , CRAWFORD, THOMAS, Leith, baker, April 23, May 14.
Dimmow, ROBERT, Glasgow. baker. April 22, May 13.
JAFFRAY, James, Baronstlale. Stirlingshire, nail-manufacturer, April 23, May 14. NEWB:00ING, JAMES, East Kilbride. Lanarkshire, wood-merchaut, April 26, May 24. Scam, DAVID. and WALKER, Josue MACKENZIE, Leith, seed-crushers, April 25, May 16, STEEL, WILLIAM. Annathill, Lanarkshire, April 25, May 26. Satire, SAMUEL, Glasgow, merchant, Apri125. May 17.
Youxo, Jean, Methven, Perthshire, druggist, April 26, May 24.
Friday, April 22.
Dyer and Turner, Paternoster Row, booksellers-Jackson and Co. Portsmouth. bankers-Hutchinson and Chapple, Great Dover Street, linendrapers -Barrow and Co. Gwendraeth Valley, Carmarthensbire, ironmasters -Mable and Stoner, Borough Market. frnit-salesmen-Blease and Carroll, Liverpool-Lambert and Co. St. James's Street; as far as regards S. Whitefield-Rowbotham and Barker, Manchester, tobacco- nists-R. and G. Thomas, Birmingham, edge-tool-makers-W. and J. Tucker, Ply- mouth, tea-dealers-T. and J. Hueknall, Nottingham, cheesemongers-Darkins and Blake, Norwich, builders-Vincent and Philp. Bath, printers-R. and E. Elliott, Dur- ham, drapers-Atkinson and Brittain, Sheffield, woollendrapers-Hemmingand Lewis, Redditch, needle-manufacturers-Seel and Holt. Oldham, hat-mauufacturers-Bleakey and Co. Boxmoor, coal-merchauts; as far as regards Howard - Pulling and Co. Temple, attornies -Oaten and Finney. South Paddington, coal-merchants.
MORE, Joins, Moorgate Street. merchant, April 21.
Balmer, ALFRED, Latlibury, stock-broker, to surrender April 29, June 3: solicitor, Mr. Neal, Tokenhouse Yard; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basingliall Street. Gleams, JOHN, Kingston-upon-Hull. corn-merchant, May 6, June 3: solicitors, Messrs. Hicks and Marais. Gray's Inn Square; and Messrs. Galloway and Co. Hull. Gnsr.„ James. Tipton, Staffordshire. iron-master, May 3, June 3: solicitors, Mr. Combe. Staple Ion; and Mr. Fellowes,junior, Dudley. Gam-rote, HENRY, Liverpool, halter, May 9, June 3: solicitors, Messrs. Norris and Co. Bartlett's Buildings; and Mr. Norris. Liverpool. GUILDFORD, GeorsossNorth Shields. shipowner. May 13, June 3: solicitors, Mr. Dale, North Shields; and Messrs. Dem and Co. Gray's Ion Square. HOHDAT, STEPHEN, Woolwich, tallow chandler, April 29. June 3; solicitors. Messrs. Brown and Co. Mincing Lane; official assignee. Mr. Belcher. King's Arms Yard. LACEY, HENRY, Liverpool, bookseller, May 19, June3 : solicitor, Messrs. Reeve, Basingliall Street.
Lomewoon, James. Wakefield. linendmper, May 6, June 3: solicitors, Messrs. Taylor and Westmoreland, Wakefield; and Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row, MARSDEN, ISAAC junior. Bowling. Yorkshire, =lister. April 27, June 3: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row ; and Mr. Wan-ell, Halifax, Yorkshire. MAYOR, Risen, Northampton, chemist, May 3, June 3: solicitors, Mr. Weller, King's Road, Bedford Row; and Mr. Cooke, Northampton. /Prim PETER, Crooked Lane Chambers. provision-broker, May 3, June 3: solicitors, Rutter and Trotter, Ely Place; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basiughall Street. RACKHAM. JOHN junior, Long Acre, coach-builder, April 29, June 3; solicitors, Messrs. White and Barrett, Lincoln's Inn yields; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.
Iticesans, Joan, George Yard, Lombard Street, metal-broker, May 4, June 3: soli- citors. Messrs. Heathcote and Holman, Coleman Street ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Bashighall Street.
SCALE. RICHARD Bintosss, Halsted, farmer. May 5, June 3: solicitors, Mr. Thompson, George Street. Miuories; and Mr. Sewell, Halsted.
SHAW, JAMES, Fetter Lane, carpenter, May 4. June 3: solicitors, Mr. Chambers, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Mr. Lackington, Coleman Street Buildings. SLY, STEPHEN, Bouverie Street, April 29. June 3: solicitor, Mr. Ashley, Shoreditch ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street.
TAYLOR, Turmas Dowrrn. Holborn, oilman. April 29, June 3: solicitor, Mr. Berke- ley, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basingliall Street.
Scow, Jowl, Birmingham. railway-carriage-lamp-manufacturer, May3. June 3: soli- citors, Clarke and Medcalf, Lincoln's Ian Fields; and Colmore and Beale, Birmingham.
May 18. Smith and Marshall. Austinfriars, Russia-brokers-May 13, Goodwin, Bishop's Stortford. innkeeper -May 13, Ward, New Cut, boot-maker-May 13. Phil- pot and Co. Crigglestone. Yorkshire, coal-merchants-May 12, Bishop and Hildyard, Southampton. drapers-May 12, Ashton. Berners Street, bill-broker-May 14, Stevens and Drummond, Mile End, road-contractors-May 13, S. and W. T. Clough, St. He- len's, Lancashire, alkali-manufacturers -May 19, Sheppard, Thornton-le-Clay, York- shire, corn-dealer-May 17. Drake. Bristol. engraver-May 27, Briber, Lindfield, Sussex, maltster-May 19, Roberts, Rawmarsh, Yorkshire. grocer-May 18, Mayfield, Spalding. grocer-May 16, Barrett, Haselbury, Plucknett, Somersetshire, girth-web- manufacturer-May 16, Haves, Stamford, wheelwright, Dec. 1. Loe, Portsmouth, benker-May 23, Weston, Liverpool. marble-mason-May 20, Hopkins and Drewitt, Arundel, bankers - May 14, Hitskayue, Liverpool, ship chandler.
To be granted. enters cause be shown to the contrary, on or before May13. Gardner, Llangollen, linen-manufacturer-Harrison, Manchester, commission-agent -Brydon, Abchnrch Lane, druggist-Davies, Liverpool, oil-merchant-Hardy, Lan- caster. cotton-spinner-Smith, Blenheim Street, milliner-Radley, Oldham, dealer- Thompson, Princes Street, Spitalfields. bat-manufacturer.
SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. CAMPBELL, Josue. Greenock, merchant, April 28. May 19. Cowes, PETER, Chapeltown. farmer, April 29, May 20. PRATER, Monists, Cumberneald, carrier, April 28, May 21. SANDERSON, ROBERT, Glasgow, founder, April 28,May 18. ' WOOD, Gzoaes, Aberdeen, commission-agent, April 26, May 17.