23 APRIL 1836, Page 9

At the Marlborough Street Office, on Saturday, Mr. Absolon, the

tailor in Bond Street, on whose premises the late. destructive fire in that street and Burlington Arcade commenced, was examined on sus- picion of having set fire to his own house, in order to realize an over- insurance. The evidence went to prove that Mr. Absolon took no effectual measures to put out the fire in time; that he was very uncon- cerned during its progress ; that he had removed most of his property ; and that his insurance was at least 400/. above the value of the pro- perty on the premises. The defendant was remanded, and reexa- mined on Wednesday, when, however, no additional evidence was adduced, and be was admitted to bail. As yet no rebutting evidence has been brought forward on the part of Mr. Absolon, and it is there- fore only fair to suspend our opinion as to his guilt or innocence. His character is said to be respectable.

At the same office, on Monday, Henry Roberts, a private in the Foot Guards, was sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment for violently assaulting Captain Marshall, of the Seventy-second Highland Regi- ment. Captain Marshall said— He saw the soldier striking sonic woman near Hyde Park Corner. lie merely spoke to him respecting the unmanliness of his conduct, and was pass- ing on, when the soldier suddenly came up to him and struck him right and left in the face with such force that he was nearly stunned. Before the soldier had time to get away, complainant recovered his senses, and lie instantly seized the ruffian and held him until assistance arrived.

An inquest was held on Tuesday at the Canteen within the pre- cincts of Kensington Palace, on the body of Charles Hartman, late confectioner to the Dutchess of Kent, who shot himself in the Palace on Monday morning. It appeared that he had lately been in a de- sponding state of mind, and had been labouring under the delusion that he was suspected of robbery. The Jury returned a verdict of " Temporary derangement." Mr. Robert Seymour, well known as a caricaturist, shot himself, in alit of insanity, on Wednesday morning. Mr. Seymour was in good circumstances ; but it was stated that his intellects bad been injured by close attention to his profession.