23 APRIL 1836, Page 10


Since EXCRANGZ, FRIDAY A FTERICOOX. On Monday morning, some sales were effected in Consols, traceable, it seems, to some foolish notion of a change in the Ministry ; but the market soon improved. and has continued firm ever since. The tone of Wednesday's debate in the House of Com- mons Ins increased the upward tendency of the Market. The demand for every de- scription of English Stock is such, that the dealers find great difficulty in supplying it: so that the prise of Consols for Account is the same as for money; and although there are no speculative transactions in Reduced. the Three-andLa-bal f per Cents., or Long Anuttifies, we are assured that the scarcity in these Stocks is as great as that of Consols. Under these circumstances, money is, of course, very abundant. The issue of the Shares of the Colonial Bank has taken place to-day. So great has been the eagerness of our capitalists for this species of investment. that although the whole capital of the proposed establishment is but 2,000,000/.,the applications for shares have been to the extent of 22,000,0001. The Directors have consequently been much puzzled in the distribution of the shares ; which are at present at a premium of 141. per share.

Two other projecls for Banks, out in England awl the other iii frelaad, are on foal : and we snepose it is rywing to the, attnel: thus made twin' the soon°, uly of the Bank or England that Bank Stock has been depressed fur the last few dat s.

In the ',mole Minket, Into+ !awe', has improt tat per cent.; au mpulse having been eisen to our es:eh:Inv by the rise which has vectored in A m sterdam.

Th'; Portuguese Sec:tribes are also improved; but the tramaietieua iu either of these Lave not tiveu 1.x1 ensive.

The aaemish Betels ale to-day about per Nita. lower tit lit 011 sw.erilay, and have been I ma' "not. below the op,,,coais of the ii i, have out been very rxl.•u,ive ; 1110 reartiou lr ilit71111:1S 1.1,0 Ilt1.1.1 wily Ilf• :0411111:CA to the 14:01.'S 0:1 Foreign aceonnt, by tl hid', in conjutiet hat with e::!,•:1,,ive realization., Ly our own capi- talists, a large quantity of Stock It is lbau 11:1I.,% 11 IIII1111 II, market. In ram, the raa in Our IS has beett Su nittell grcater that* the itaprovenient uhielt has ma:tined in the ii ,u abroad, t bat the rove.zi, houses bate been enabled to get rid of it 11111:11111i!y or Bowls. The mai let has, liew.aer, hero s ataaiaa ta, Ilrehop, or ea, aaaeay b•raitettiou of the cattiest, hy the inter...a:tam or itas laovelinaent ; iu further- a Ii 110k:1,11111011k of 2a a 111(5 be.•11 ettibiirk,d for Cs, coast ■■f 'tIe' '.uli.1bmilnl'.lrleryorucwslchs 111.1.11 very :alive; but as all their III, yt'sses lice not to i,e 1111i■■1111ie1. the elreet has hertz but amoiary.

Tha tam.:::boos in 1:aileiay sLires 11:11.16 been urineipallt confined to those tinder-

1.1:■-lk are passim; throut,11 t1,, Pailiamentart (If these, the

uwst remarkable (11111,tuations Irive oiiearred in the Rennie's Brighteti. the t tiumpaaies. The daily pro.hress of the Briallion Committee Imitig vadat , !,• I,o the project of Si,' Joh:: ; while flew' a revert that the Committee had 1 any Itlalimall Pailw ay, the shares III Leh v.:alp:ail, fell rapidly, lad. have • • iiiered to nearly their loin r ;oh, s. :share: of 1 Ins taller vodec61e,/ v, I; the exception or Hitt.: the taaeleii Grand .hurt ion, are heavy.

SA0114110, TIV EINE OTIA,C0.

Very )i!;:,. has ,,,,airrea this rigataaa. The ('lilt it alarket is laai a. all-tale:- jug ,1 diailitie per relit. ill the Paris 16t1.1-,a,t spani-lt Ponds Moo Leto 1,0161' a. 11141, as ; but a sodden deelim• or pi r eeni. 1161. mann:red ; the ',riot. Las lesm •I;;, and i•• nos, The flailts ay shares ai.• generally- at yes leriiii:. 's ices, with little i!iiitar,. The principal are earrialt :It the 11.:1111. hug prom:anis. Iliriiiing!iain and Deriiy la; ditto nail ti 10411.0ster ; Pristol and 1t; 1;; 111; Oxio•-•1,t11.1 T,ing par ; 11lack‘sall 11 .; ; 111:114 Commercial 1 ; t; 1-,m1 Nmtli of En2land 4;reat 2:1 11,11 :ill s:ellty 54 ; 1.0,10 alaualia-aes tai; Paiala aiepliensaieat ts 15; ; aitie (Bennie's) Z ; ;rat e•-eirl par ; North ".%1 ; York :UPI 1111111:1; 4}; SootIi N!;l1:e1uL Western ; ,Suittli Eastern 50; Itlattelles.er Seuth I 11:1111. if ; Southampton 111.

Says :i1ty, Furl: tier.om‹.

(1011s011 for _account have been sellers at 91 I, ant close :it tio. 01111 pis 91. 4. seine considetaite sales of /mug Ammilies have irylurot to•ilay, and the taitt'aa 111, eoiacipleialy deeaned, not sa leech oil :11.00,1.1 of iht, Loagoo■U■l• 01