23 APRIL 1836, Page 10

A packet-ship from New York brines intelligence of the proroga-

tion of the Parliament of Lower Canada, on time 21st of AIarch. The Earl of (4oseottn, in his closing speech, makes no attempt to conceal his mortification at the result of the session. Ile says- " It is to nut a matter of :•ineere regret, that the olfers of pimp, turd coneili rt iml. of which I was the bearer to this 1:0111;11' y, have not 1,•.i to the result tale!! I In u1 hoped Mr. The consequence of tlwie rejection, and of the tivinitir6 which Mine been made

to his Majesty, I still venture b. pretliet.

" I u the Speech with w hick I opened the I :111lIelincell, that sholthl yin eon. sent to discharge the arrears due to the puldie i,tlnuni.i. null protick for their mainte- nance, pending the inquiries which his Majesty had commanded to 110 111:1110 in the province, no part of the surplus revelateS of the Croon should .11t, tt,nehett oirrilk4 those inquiries, without your kr:set:I. AS 110 1/11101,1011 Irks bre11 1110410 for the pnrrsa>eS


templued in that proposal, I shall be Rioter the tuices.,ity of applying ill.. rm..nues at the dispusal or the Cr.,%■ u, as to as they it ill extend, to the pay inert of the public ser- vants and towards the mw-rent expenses et' the civil government. %Vila: farther Itionalt,; unit be adopted for the removal of the difficulties to which the affairs or itte Ian% inter are reduced, the authorities Iii England Mast mite tletertiline."

It is evident that the mission of Lord Goseono, so far as concilia- tion was its object, has failed. The Canadians require a fundamental reform of their political constitution, and will not he satisfied by smooth professions and a bland demeanour.