c/o Longford Wines Longford Farmhouse, Spithurst, Barcombe, Lewes, E. Sussex BNS 5ED. Telephone & fax: Barcombe (0273) 401497 Price No. Value
I. Coteaux du Giennois 1992
Joseph Balland-Chapuis 12 Bots £71.40 Red
Cotes du Rhone Castelas 1992 12 Bots £59.40
Cote de Brouilly Montbriand 1992 12 Bots. f72.60
St Joseph Les Vallieres 1990 12 Boa. £84.00
Auxey Duresses Les Naillons 1991 12 Bots. f84.00
Savigny Les Beaune aux Clous 1990 12 Boa. f116.40 Mixed
Mixed case, two of each 12 Bots. £81.30
TOTAL (Cheque enclosed)
Please send wine to: NAME ADDRESS POSTCODE TELEPHONE Own name & address, if different: NAME ADDRESS POSTCODE TELEPHONE Prices include VAT and delivery on the British mainland. Cheques should be made payable to the Spec- tator Wine Club and sent with order. Sorry, no bankers' cards. This offer, which is subject to stock avail- ability, closes on 16 December 1994.