22 OCTOBER 1954, Page 31

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ei for guinea. se will be rded to the dery of the two carrrcr 10115 opened r noon on sday week.

centime 2, addressed ssword 805. Cower St. don. IV .C.I utlan mos, on the form c printed. Tire Mon and the pies of Ow' raters will be lished In the owing issue.

ACROSS 1 The devil's portion ? (8). 5 Provides pork for the sailor (3-3). 9 Was his reputation made in straitened circumstances'? (8). 10 Epic poetry has a good deal in common with Popcye (6).

12 ' When I ant grown to man's -' (Stevenson) (6). 13 Hair nard for a female; shake well 1 (8). 15 Prize money perchance (7, 2, 3). 18 Or the depositor's error (6-2, 4). 23 In general a gastronomer (8). 24 Subsequently it's a matter of minutes (6). 26 ' The Owl looked up to the stars above, And sang to a small -' (Lear) (6). 27 Plenty of water, no more migraine (8). 28 A matter for the press or the batsman (6). 29 His lire was uneffectual (4-4).

DOWN: 1 A lot falls beneath it (6). 2 ' . . . In Russia when are longest there' (Shakespeare) (6). 3 Is checkers his favourite game ? (7). 4 Knocks up a rafter (4). 6 A presto movement (7).

7 Silence for the smoker who has finished (4, 4). 8 ' Enfolding sunny spots of ---' (Coleridge) (8). 11 Sharing a gift (7). 14 You'll find us Just under the roof (7). 16 Finally I make a record in poetry (8). 17 Sounds like the geologist's tendency to go wrong ! (8). 19 Shun all ravines (7). 20 She seems to have been a tide-watcher (7). 21 Galen is confused over nothing (6). 22 Hastened to the Benedictine (6). 25 Strip the castle (4).

The solution will be published on November 5

The winners of Spectator Crossword No. 803 are as follows: First prize to Miss Sent S141111. Inc' County Hotel, LindSeld, !forwards Heath, Sussex, and •second price to the REV. 0. W. HARRIES, HILSCIbUrY ClUCkllell, CreWkerI1C, Somerset.