General Knowledge Questions
THE Editor awards the weekly prize of one guinea for the thirteen best "General Knowledge" questions to Mr. J. K.
Horsefield for the following :-
Kipling Questions 1. Where did Mr. Kipling go to school?
2. What were :—The Gubby ; The -Tar Baby Kea; Old Faithful ; Katim Tai ; Binkie ; The Thirty Mile Ride ?
3. What were the nicknames of :—Percival William Williams Lt.-Col. A. L. Corkran ; Miss Martin ; Dickson Quartus ; Jacob; Boller?
4. Where did the Haliotis ' go down ?
5. What city did Mr. Kipling visit once on an elephant and, once by night ? 6. Who were :—McPhee; The Nilghai ; Ibn Makarrali ; Lurgan ; Mr. Groombridge ; Mr. King 7. Who was Finlayson's Assistant ?
. 8. Where were the following quoted, and by whom ?
(a) "I am a shadow now, alas, alas, Upon the skirts of human nature dwelling."
(b) "That day at Navarino." (c) " Maerentes amicos."
(d) 2 Sam. xiv. 14.
9. What station did Julian B. Emory leave to visit Helen Blayes T.
10. What town possesses "one of the prettiest little lodges in the_ East " ?
11. Who said, " Continuez, mesdemoiselles ; continuez toujours meS enfants " ? 12. In what two books is Viollet-le-Due quoted
13. Where did the 'We're Here ' hail from 1-
. _ _ _ Answers will be found on page 682.