22 NOVEMBER 1935, Page 74


[To the Editor of TILE SPECTATOR.]

Sin,----There is something almost magnificent in the confidence of your , young correspondent, Mr. P. Winckworth, who calls those who disagree with him muddle-headed, and who shows more assurance than the great Archbishop who, against Mr. \Vinci:wort Ii, has lately urged upon all English Christians the duty of •• cleaning the slums and curing unemployment." It. is a strange reading of the Gospels that finds " no sociological suggestion in their pages." Mr. Winekworth may live to look back and smile at himself and his young friends who " are preparing a sociological statement."

Some of your readers, who believe that the Christ does call His disciples " to live in spite of the, world,"„ and in opposition to the world, find small help. in a young man's ipse dint regarding the grave question of descending into the political arena and recording a vote.-:—I am, Sir, yours, &c.,