The Princess Lichnowsky makes of her dog On the Leash
(Jonathan Cape, 7s.. 6d.) a peg for the slightest of slight sketches of European life. The best chapter in the book describes London, the look of it, and the outward ways of its inhabitants. The word-sketches are full of atmosphere : " London is for me at its best at midsummer because the evening sky provides a background of Shakespearian splendour, and because it lies so easily, with slowly throbbing pulse, upon its oily flowing Thames, as if at rest." The scraps of repeated talk also ring true, and the sense of a silent friendliness which pervades public -vehicles -is perceived and noted : "People ignore each other but when necessary help each other anony- mously, and riurnosefullY, politely, and concisely, just as much as the situation demands." Only dog lovers should read the " doggie " bits. His mistress's absorption in " Newt" may bore many, perhaps at moments sicken them. Even the truest lovers of the canine race may think some of the details of Newt's conduct more likely to interest a " vet " than the public for whom the book is obviously intended.