22 JULY 1848, Page 11



The English Stock Market was very lively both on Monday and Tuesday: in the course of Tuesday Consols reached 89 for Money, and 896 for Account; the highest prices realized since February last. This rise was chiefly owing to the demand for Stock to settle the speculations for the fall, in conjunction with the operations of the Bank Broker, a large buyer of Terminable Annuities. A de- =led change occurred on Wednesday morning, and prices fell 1 per cent as soon as the news from Ireland was known. The fall continued during part of yester- day, till the price of Consols was as low as 876; thus marking a decline of 2 per cent. An upward reaction has since occurred; and, after being at 88, the clbsing quotation of this afternoon is 87h h, nearly the lowest of the week. Bank Stock has advanced about 4 per cent, the quotation having been as high as 198;. India Stock has also risen to 240. Money still continues abundant; and though Stook is more plentiful than it has been, the rate of interest upon loans for short periods on English Government security is in the Stock Exchange from 2 to 2; per cent. while bills of the first class are easily discountable at from 2; to 3 per cent.

In the Foreign Market, the only transaction of importance has been a pur- chase to the extent of 600,0001. Dutch Four-and-a-half per Cents; being an ex- change from Consols into that Stock. This operation has been effected upon much more favourable terms than it could have been some time since; for while the Consols are sold at as high a price as they were in February, the Dutch Stock has been purchased at a depreciation of 13 per cent as compared with the then quota- tion. The scarcity of Stock thus occasioned has tended to keep up prices, despite the fall of the English Funds. The better classes of Foreign Stocks seem gene- rally to be more in demand. Russian Bonds are today done at 100; while Dutch Stock, as before stated, is well supported. The Railway Share Market was in a state of some activity during Monday and Tuesday; the rise in the English Funds having produced an upward movement. The Shares of most of the principal lines then advanced about 21. A reaction commenced with the decline of the English market, and has since continued until the quotations of today are the same, and in some instances rather lower, than those of last week. A deputation of the English shareholders of the Caledonian Railway has proceeded to Edinburgh, to prevent, if possible the issue of Preference Shares at 7 per cent to the extent of 700,0001., as proposed by the Directors to be submitted to the next general meeting of the proprietors. The Shares, however, still continue to fall, and are today as low as 274, or 224 discount. The terms on which the French Government propose to appropriate the Paris and Lyons Railway are, to give in exchange for every share 7 francs 50 cents Five per Cent Routes; which, at the price of 75 and an exchange of 25.50, is equal to 41. 8s. 8d per share upon which 111. or 275 franca has been paid; thus inflicting a loos of 61. lls. 9c1. per share upon the original holders, and in many cases where the shares have been bought at a premium of more than double that sum. As to the glaring injustice of this proceeding there is but one opinion: the shareholders, however, are forced to submit, as the Government, determined to take, does not negotiate to purchase. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.

The first price of Consols was 87; ; but as there was a general disposition to sell as soon as the market opened, the quotation speedily fell to 86; both for Money and Account; a slight degree of firmness has been since observable, and the price is now 87 for Money and 874 for Account No change in prices can be noticed in the Foreign Funds. The transactions in Railway Shares have as yet been confined to the following, and the market may be described as without ac- tivity: Caledonian, 274; Great Western, Quarter-shares, 194; Brighton, 314; Shrewsbury and Birmingham, Class A, 24. SATURDAY, Two o'Cnooc.

The intelligence from Ireland received this morning being considered satis- factory, a reaction has occurred in the prices of the Government Securities; Con- sols for Money being 87;, and for Account, 87; 4; thus marking a slight advance upon the opening price' and an improvement of 4 per cent from the lowest price of the day. Bank Stock is marked at 198 and 1984; and India Stock, which con- tinues to improve, at 244 and 245. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been confined to the following: Grenada, (Active,) 114; Ditto, Deferred, 24.; Mexican, 174; Ditto, for Account, 17; Portuguese, Four per Cents, 184; Ditto, for Account, 184; Russian Five per Cents, 9944; Spanish Active, 114; Ditto, Three per Cents, 21; 2; Belgian, Two-and-a-half per Cents, 89; Dutch, Two-and-a- half per Cents, 444 5; Ditto, Four per Cents, 72. The following are the prin- cipal Share transactions since the morning. 'fhe only change is in Great Western, which are lower, and Caledonian, which are at a slight advatce. Aberdeen, 21; 214; Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 234; Caledonian, 274 8 ; Chester and Holyhead, 27 6; Eastern Counties, 14; Great Western, 88 7 ; Ditto, Half- shares, 494; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 19h; Lancashire and Yorkshire, alf- shares, 36; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 814; London and 'North- western, 126; 6 7; London and South-western, 484; North British, 224; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, Original N. and B., 31; York and North Midland, 64; Ditto, East and West Riding Extension, 31; Boulogne and Amiens, 7; Namur and Liege, 24; Sambre and Meese, 241.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced

871 871 f


Mulish 3 per Cents

Dutch n per Cents

Ditto 4 per Cents 68 72 441 51 71 3 31 per Cents 871 1 Ifexlean 5 per Cents 1846... 17 1 Long Annuities


New Grenada lif 121 Bank Stock 1981 Portuguese N.4 per Cents 1842 18 19 Exchequer Bills 38 50 prem. Portuguese Old 1824 62 6 India Stock 244 5 Russian 5 per Cents 99 100 Brazilian 5 per Cents 69 71 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 111 12 Belgian 4f per Ceuta 68 72 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 211 22 Buenos Ayres 20 3 Venezuela 14 17 Chill= 6 per Cents 91 4