The prices of English Funds have continued within Ath of those of List Sa- turday. The settlement of the Account for July occurred to-day ; and much difficulty was experienced by the jobbers in arranging their accounts, in con- sequence of the great scarcity of Stock ; the price of money at one period of the day having been higher than that fur the August Account. The public seem to have taken advantage of the recent low prices of Stock to make extensive purchases, as considerable amounts have been transferred in small Amounts into the names of merchants, traders, &c. Money still continues very abundant ; and there is every appearance of a still further advance generally iu prices.
In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock still continues very much depressed ; the intelligence from the Peninsula being of a very unsatisfactory character ; in conjunction with the sales effected here on behalf of foreigners, has drives the Bonds below 20. In the course of this afternoon, however, a reaction of about per cent. has occurred; and the market leaves off with a firmer ap' From the same cause, (via. sales on foreign account) the Portuguese Bonds have been depressed about 4 per cent. These securities have also recovered a little from their extreme point of depression. Mexican Stock, which ban been for some time neglected, has improved to-day, about 2 per cent. ; Messrs. Lisa Rot and Co. having sent a notice to the Stock Exchange that they have received a decree from the Mexican Government relative to the Bonds, which they will make public without delay. The other South American Stocks are nearly at our last quotations. The Railway Shares generally are also without material variation; and the transactions in them during the week have been quite unimportant. Some demand has occurred for the Shares of the Australasian 'Bank; of which the old shares, upon which 40/. has been paid, have been done at 181. and 201. premium or 5S1. and 60/. per share ; while the new shares, upon which 101. has been paid, are inquired after at 9/. premium, or 191. per share.
SATURDAY. TWELVE O'CLOCK. Very little has occurred this morning in the English Stock Market. There has been some activity in the Si anish Stock ; which was depressed at theopen- ingof the market, but has since improved to 20i 4, a telegraphic despatch having been published in the Times, with intelligence that the Pretender had quitted the neighbourhood of %%deride and taken the road to Murcia. No official notice has yet been given by Messrs. LISARDI as to the nature of the decree relative to the Mexican Bonds, to which we yesterday alluded. It is, however, understood that a principal proposition is one fur receiving the Roods in certain proportion in payments for the purchase of national domains. The South American Securities are all higher, viz. Colombian 24 25; Mexican 26 27; Peruvian 20 21.
3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cont. Reduced
New 31 per Cent. Anus Bank stuck
India Stock
Ditto Bonds
Exchequer Bills Belgian 5 per Cents 911 * 911 911t 981 1
256 237 49
47 49 (Cl101} 2 Brazilian 5 per Cents. Dutch 21 per Cents
Portocuese Regency 5 p. Cts
Ditto 3 per Cent.
Russian (1522)5 per Cent
Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent
Defetred Stock
Passive Ditto 73 52*
401 4 25i 1 104 20e 711 $ 411 f