The January number of the /rig Theological Quarterly opens with
an article by Mr. J. Fitzpatrick entitled " Some more The January number of the /rig Theological Quarterly opens with an article by Mr. J. Fitzpatrick entitled " Some more
Theology about Tyranny : a Reply to Professor O'Rahilly."
As will be gathered from the title of the article, Mr. Fitzpatrick repudiates Mr. O'Rahilly's conclusions. But the chief interest of the article is that a footnote has been appended by the editors. We have not ourselves yet had an opportunity of seeing this, and we must rely for the wording of the footnote upon our correspondent. We have the best reason, however, for relying upon his accuracy. The editors say :-
" We owe an apology to our Censor. By arrangement with our printers everything is submitted to the Censor from the publishers. So far as the printers of our October issue can remember, when we inquired on the 12th of that month, the usual procedure had been adopted in connexion with Mr. O'Rahilly's article. Through some accident or other, however, the proofs never reached the Censor We were unaware of the fact until the issue was published and in the hands of the subscribers.—The Editors. '