Outline Pictures for Little Painters, by Helena Miles, (Wells Gardner,
Darton, and Co.), sufficiently explains its object by its title. Thirty drawings of various domestic scenes present outlines which young folks are to fill in with colour. The outlines are correct, and even spirited ; and something may be taught, as well as amuse- ment given by them. Along with this may be mentioned, Dainty Drawings for Little Painters. Outline Pictures by T. Pym, with Descriptive Stories by C. Shaw. (J. F. Shaw and Co.)—Here, again, the drawings are pretty, somewhat in the style of Miss Kate Green- away. The accompanying stories give hints as to the colouring,— " Can yer tell me what time it is, little master ?' asked that big boy in the blue coat and brown trousers," e.g. ;—and there are, by way of pre- face, some useful instructions, which may help the young artists to make their work fairly harmonious in colour.