22 DECEMBER 1855, Page 10



The pacific construction of Count Esterhazy's mission to St. Petersburg with the Austrian ultimatum, has created confidence among the operator's for a rise in the Public Funds, and has led occasionally this week to a fa- vourable reaction when they have been depressed through adverse rumours- and other causes. On Monday there was an improvement of j, and Consols touched 891: after some intervening variations they were sellers on Wed- nesday at 881; and the chief reason assigned for the depression was a report that the Chancellor of the Exchequer before long may effect sales on account of Savings Banks, to be replaced by Securities which he is authorized by Parliament to create. The Funds have since rallied, and today Consols have ranged from 881 to 8.94, leaving off at 881 I. Bank Stock has declined this week 4 per cent. The intelligence of the treaty between Sweden and the Western Powers has been favourably received. Money continues in active de- mand, and at increased rate', which will probably rule until after the pay- ment of the dividends : it is now worth on Government Securities from 6 to 5i for a short, and 6 per cent for a distant date. Owing to this pres- sure, India Bonds and Exchequer Bills have been both at 10s, discount: they are now rather better. In the arrangement on Tuesday of the final in- stalment of 10 per cent on the English Loan of 16,000,0001., the amount is believed to have been limited to about 1,000,0001.„ as payments bad been made in advance to the extent of 600,000/. In Paris, confidence is increas- ing regarding the position of the money-market : there is a tendency to- firmness in the rate of exchange; and the Funds, which have undergone some slight fluctuations, have occasionally improved, through a steady de- mand for investment and speculative purchases. In New York the rate of exchange is becoming more favourable for England, and it is believed will soon reach a point to render remittances of gold profitable.

The Corn-market continues heavy. The bullion and specie remittances will shortly be renewed. A very large sum is due from Mexico, and arri- vals are expected from Australia : 8000/. has been received from Africa. The shipments of specie to India continue on a large scale. The Alma this week has sailed with 370,8461.; which, with the exception of 3700/., was in silver. The Sultan steamer-took out 18,8001., chiefly for Lisbon and Cadiz.

In Foreign Securities the transactions have not been extensive; but prices have been well maintained. The principal feature has been an improve- ment of 3 per cent in Portuguese, owing to the negotiations understood to he in progress between the Finance Minister of that country and Mr. Thornton • in furtherance of the Bondholders? right.: should justice be afforded them, it is thought the creditors, in return, would probably assist in furtherance of the railway plans, through which her progress and increase of revenue would be promoted ; and it is stated that they would seek per- mission of the Committee of the Stock Exchange for Portuguese Securities to be again marked in the official Hat. The Four per Cent Stock is now 48 50. An advance has also occurred in the following—Danish Three per Cents, 1; Dutch Four per Cents, 1; Spanish Three per Cents, It; Ditto Deferred, 11. Accounts from Amsterdam state that the New Rus- sian Five per Cent Loan has been done at 801, allowing in the calculation two guilders to the rouble, and would make the price equal to about 891 here, or 7 per cent below the old Five per Cents. Advices from Vienna confirm the terms on which the loan has been issued at Berlin : it is publicly offered at 86, and to the contractors at 82; and will thus amply compensate the various agents engaged—it would pay them interest at about 64 2s. per pent. The short period named for the redemption of the principal may make it attractive to purchasers; as the re- payment at par is to be made in an average period of nine years, thus offer- ing a bonuaef 2 per cent per annum. The Committee of the Stock Exehange have put a permanent prohibition against any dealings in this loan, and will not permit its quotation either now or at the-restoration of peace.

In Railways, there has been a limited amount of business; but on the average there is a slight improvement compared with last week. Great Western - has been in demand, and has advanced II. 153. Lancashire and Yorkshire, London and North-Western, and Midland, are Os. better. In French Shares there is very little difference.


The English Funds are a shade higher this morning, Comilla for Account being 881. Exchequer Bills 8 4 discount. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows an increase of 226,7601.; in the general return is exhibited the result of the increased amount of circulation lately granted agreeably to the terms of the Bank Act. In Foreign Stocks there is no change : Turkish Six per Cents 831 4; Ditto Four per Cents 31 3 discount. Railways are

s y—East Lancashire, 69; Great Northern, 871; Ditto A Stock, 74 London and North-Western, 941; London and South-Western, 85; Mid- land, 641; North-Eastern—Berwiek, 671.


In the English Market there has been scarcely anything doing, and the

as are about the same they were in the imorning. Consols for Ac- count are 881 f. Exchequer Bills 6 3 discount. In Foreign Stocks business has beep very inactive. Grenada New Active has been done at 194, Spanish Passive 711, Turkish Six per Ceuta 831, Ditto Four per Cent Scrip 3/ dis- count, Venezuela Deferred 111. Railways present very little alteration—Eastern Counties, 81; Eastern Union B Stock, 174 ; East Lancashire, 69; Great Northern, 85; Ditto A Stock, 74; Great Western, 521; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 941; London and North-Western, 94; London and South-Western, 85; Munches-

1 .

ter, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 231; Midland, 67; Norfolk, 421; North- Eastern—Berwick, 671; Scottish Central, 10; South-Eastern, 57 Preference Shares—Great Western Irredeemable per Cent, 79; Midland Consolidated Preference 41 per Cent, If die.; Dutch Rhenish, 104; Grand Trunk of Canada, A Issue, 101; Great Western of Canada, 241; Ditto New, 71; Sambre and Meuse, 81. Joint Stock Banks—London Joint Stock, 341;

New South Wales, 40; Royal British, 51; Union of London, 301. Miscel- laneous—Canada, 140s Canada Government 6 per Cent January and July, 110*.

3 per Cent Consols 8 per Cent Reduced

Ditto for Account New 3 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock

Austrian 5 per Cents Brazilian 6 par Cents Belgian 44 per Cents

Chilian 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents

Messrs. Gibbs and Co.'s monthly line of auxiliary sorew-steamers between Liverpool and Melbourne will commence on the 17th January, by the de- spatch of the Royal Charter. The ships will be clippers to sail fast in fa- vourable weather, and with efficient steam power for use when required. They will run only between the two ports, and it is expected the voyage will occupy only fifty-five days.

The Paris Gazette des Tribunaux publishes the constitutive act of the London General Omnibus Company, for a period of sixty years, and at a

capital of 25,000,000f. (1,000,000/.0 into nto 250,000 shares of 1001. (4/.) each. Messrs. Arthur Iti‘Namara and James Wilking, of London, and M. Nicholas Felix Carteret, former member of the Council of State of France, are to be the directors of the company.

shut Danish 3 per Cents

Dutch 24 per Cents

$834 1

Ditto 4 per Cents


Mexican 3 per Cents 34 Peruvian 44 per Cents 205 7 Ditto 3 per Cents 6 8 dis. Portuguese 4 per Cents ....

shut Russian 5 per Cents 81 4 Ditto 44 per Cents 98 100 Spanish 3 per Cents 91 3 Ditto Deferred 101 3 Sardinian 5 per Cents 100 2 Swedish 4 per Cents 82 5 634 44 94 5 194 20 74 6 52 4 48 50 95 7 88 90 40 1 214 2 83 5 84 7