22 DECEMBER 1838, Page 2

Intelligence to the 28th of November has been received from

Montreal, by the packet-ship Cambridge, which left New York on the 2d instant. Both the Canadas were free from disturbance; and public attention was chiefly directed to the approaching trials of the prisoners. No fewer than 573 were confined in the Montreal gaols; and those imprisoned at Fort Henry would swell the number of persons to be tried for their lives to 735. Of these, six only are Americans. A special messenger had been sent to Quebec " to bring up the common hangman, there being no person of that pro- fession in Montreal." Such is the statement extracted from a Ca- nadian paper, which, though its name is not mentioned, we presume to be that worthy organ of the low British party, the Montreal Herald. We trust, however, that the victors will be disappointed of their savage entertainment. Sir JOHN COLUORNE may be sure

that public opinion in this country will not justify wholesale hanging.

It appears that the Governor-General has met with some oppo- sition from the Judges at Quebec ; who have decided that the sus- pension of the Habeas Corpus Act is illegal, and have discharged two prisoners who claimed the benefit of that act. The two Judges. it is said, have since been suspended front their offices, by Sir Joux Cor.nowst: and his Special Council. Let Lord BROUGHAM look to this : COLBORNE'S authority is not greater than Lord DER■ HAM'S.

By a series of ordinances published in the Quebec Gazette, it is decreed that the property of persons condemned by courts-martial shall be confiscated, reserving the rights of creditors; that to join a secret society, (Freemasons excepted,) after the promulgation of the ordinance, shall be punishable as felony ; and that no person shall be arraigned for high treason unless the crime was com- mitted before the 1st of November. The British party were very impatient to have the prisoners brought to trial. PAPINEAU bad declared it:s disapprobation atilt.; last abortive outbreak. Ile and Dr. NELSoN had been paying a visit to Washington, with the view, according to a not very probable statement, of persuading the British Minister there to guarantee their safety in Canada. They arc represented as being much distressed in their pecuniary cir- cumstances.

The official returns of the killed and wounded in the affitir at Prescott have been published, and exhibit the ftillowing results.




hawses 2 Officers


Bank and tile 6 Rank and file 44 —8

PATRI( TS, &e. Killed 102 Prisoners 1E2

Missing —46