22 APRIL 1848, Page 21


num 34 per Cents

I per Cent Consols

3 per Cents Reduced Long Annuities Ditto for Account

Bank Stock, 41 per Cent 805 Pei1 Li 8 i

512 811 822 811 811 814 82

188 1886 188182 1884

81 81 82 13 '1 16 86 62 India Stock, 101 217 228 230 227 Exchequer BM., AL per diem 42 pm. 41 43 40

India Bonds, 4e per Cent 21 pm. 20 21 — PORBION FUNDS.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Thursday Evening.)

Austrian 6p. CL -- Massachusetts (Sterling)...6 p.01.

Ditto 3- Michigan

Belgian Mexican

Brazilian 5 - 58 Mississippi (Sterling) 11 Buenos Ayres s — — New York (1848) ..... ....5 - Chilian I — Ohio ... a

Danish 3 65 Pennsylvania S - Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) ...26 - 395 Peruvian 8 -

4 581Portuguese $ -- French a — Ditto 2 - Ditto I -. -- Russian . 5

Indiana (Sterling) 4 - 38 Spanish 5 -

Illinois a — 31 Ditto ........ a -

Kentucky - Ditto (Passive) Louisiana (Sterling) I - 76 Ditto (Deferred)

Maryland (Sterling) 8 - 70 Venezuela Active..


(Lut Official Quotation during the Week ending Thursday Evening.) R ttl.wsve- SLIMS-

Caledonian 27 Australasian Edinburgh and Glasgow 41 British North American

Eastern Counties lit

Great Northern 52 Colonial Commercial of London Great North of England . 224 London and Westminster Great Western 88 London Joint Stock Hull and Selby .--. National of Ireland Lancashire and Yorkshire — National Provincial ........

Lancaster and Carlisle 43 Provincial of Ireland London Brighton and South Coast 282 Union of Australia

London and Blackwell 45 Union of London London and North-western 128 Muss- Midland.. 97 Bolanos

North British 204 Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John Del Rey) Northern and Eastern 49 South-eastern and Dover 224 Cobra Copper

South-western 414 RIKILLANS0011-

York, Newcastle, and Berwick 30 Australian Agricultural York and North Midland 614 Canada General Steam


Peninsular and Oriental Steam East and West India .

London 97 Royal Mall Steam 81. Katherine 74 South Australian BANK OF ENGLAND.

An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 13th day of April 1848.


£27,105,470 Government Debt ...... £11,016,100 Notes Issued Other Securities 2944.800 Gold Coln and Bullion 12,231,101 Sliver Bullion 1,934,369 £27,163,470 £27,166.470 BANKING DEPARTMENT.

,ILe.i Other Deposits 11,950,962 Proprietors' Capital

rue Deposits. 3,t-0,901 ,

£14,553,000 Government Securities, (M- 3,400,532 eluding Dead Weigh taiinuitylE12,733.630 Other,Seemities 12,149,833 Notes ' ' 5,668,930

Gold and Silver Coin 595,781 Seven Day and other Bills 1,023,762

134,051.177 £34,031,177

• Including Exchequer,Savings Banks, Commisalonera'af National Debt dr Dividend Accts.

BULLION. Per oz. METALS. Per ton.

Foreign GoldinColn, Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 Iron, British Bars .... 8 0

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard ...1.3 17 8 Copper,BrItish Cakes IN 10 t .. 0 0 0

0.. 0 0 0 0.. 0 0 0

New Dollars 0 0 0 Lead, British Fig ... . 17 1 0.. 0 0 0

Silver in Bars, Standard .. . . 0 4 11 Steel, English 0 0

GRAIN, Mark Lau, April 19.


Wheat,'R-New42 toll

Fine 48 -48 Old 44-16 White 48-50 Fine 62 -54 Super. Ne w 51-56


Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week.

Wheat 50. 9d. I Bye 30.. 54. 'Wheat 7..0d. I Rye UAW Barley 31 3 Beans 35 8 Barley 2 0 Beans 2 0 Oats . 30 1 Peas 39 1 Oats 2 6 I Peas 2 0 Weekly Averages for the Week ending April 15. Wheat, 19s. 7d.-Barley,328. 24.-Oate,19s. lid -Rye, 281.104.-Beans,35c5d.-Peas, WIN, FLOUR. PROVISIONS.

Town-made per sack 48e. to 40s.

Norfolk and Stockton 39 - 41 Essex and Suffolk.on board ship 41 - 43 Seconds 43 - 45 Pollard,fine 0 - 0 Bran per quarter 0 0 Bread, aid. to rid. the 41b. loaf. Cheese, Cheshire 64 - 70

Hams, York 60 - 70 Eggs, French, per 120, 4e. 04. to 6s. ea. Bacon, Irish per cwt. eta - 70.. Batter-Best Fresh, Ills. Od. per dos.

Derby Plain 80 - 80 Carlow, 41. 10s. to It. 16s. per ewt.



Iamb. 8 4 - 7 4 - 0 0 8 6 - 7 -0 0 Veal .. 3 4 - 4 0 - 4 10 4 0 - 4 5 2

Pork .. 4 0 - 4 8 - I 4 4 0 - 4 5 0

Mutton 4 2 - 4 8 - 5 0 4 6 - 5 6 8

Beef .. 3 4 to 810 to 4 2 3 4 to 4 S.4 4 a. d. s. a. e. d. a. d. s. . a. a.

Pigs. 250 310 Calves. 271 ISO Beasts. 1,022 3,159 Sheep. 7,100 16,110 Friday. Monday. 8MtTHrIsLO.

• To sink the offal, per 8 lb.


Kent Pockets Choice ditto Sussex Pockets Fine ditto

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.) CONS111.1111). BM islinzEo.

Hay, Good 70 6 s. to 77 n u to 80 e.

Inferior 55 - 5 60 - 65 New... ...... .... 0 - 0 0 - 0

Clover 90 93 93 - 105 Wheat Straw 25 - 32 26 - 50 Linseed Oil-Cake per 1000 0 0 0

Rape Oil per cwt. Li 14.. ed.

Linseed OU 1 3 0

Candles, per dozen, 511 3d. to 5s. 6d. •

Coale, Hatton 16e. 6d.

Refined 115 0 Tees. 15s, IS.

Moulds (id. per doz discount) 7a. .0d.


Sugar. Muscovado, per cwt 52s. 22d.

Coffee, One (in bond) per cwt. 70. to Ills. west lethal/Dimon,. ....14s. 6d. to 15s. ea. Tes. Bohea, due, ....per lb. Oe. Id. to Os. Si.

Good Ordinary 30s. LO 38s. Sauchong, One I 3 - 2 6 Casson, line I 3 - 1 8 • la Bond-Duty Es. Id. per lb. GROCERIES.

BRITISH FUNDS. (1311aslig Prices.) &lard. Mark* Tassday.• Wawa

5 811 81 SO 61

82 189 227 44 18


911 15

864 84 65 304 154 89 Ill 202 21



as 13

64 Rye 401044 Barley 24-26 Malting 30 -32 Malt, Ord 56 - 58 Fine 58-57 Peas, Hog 33 -35

Maple 34 to38

White 34-36 Boilers -38 Beans,Ticks 31 -33 Old 38-40 Harrow 38 -38

• a. Oats, Peed . 18 to19 Fine. 19 - 30 Poland .. 21 -22 Flue . 22 -70 Potato .. 24-26 Fine . 25 -211

60e. to 78s. 80 UM 58 72 0

York Reds

Scotch Beds ..

Devon& Kent and Essex Whites


per ton. Os. to 181s,

110 - 120

0 - 0 100 - 120

• • • • ......


Os. to OS.

0 - 0 00 71 80 10o 22 - 30