22 APRIL 1848, Page 1

Government has at last taken a decided step in Ireland,

and has caused some of the persons engaged in military drilling to be arrested. We observe that the seizure has been effected under a local police bill ; but surely there is no necessity to depend upon any special statute for the repression of overt acts against the public peace and the authority of the Crown? The language em- ployed by the traitorous.elasses continues to be of the same fero- cious character. Three reverend gentlemen occupy the van of belligerent oratory this week. The Reverend Mr. Bermingham issues minute instructions on the subject of assassination and am- bush ; the Reverend Mr. Kenyon excites, his flock like a North American savage ; and Dr. Miley, professing ..to counsel peace, intimates that, if necessary, the Roman'Catliplic priests of Ireland wilt bless the rebellion of their countrymen, even though it should be " baptized in blood." Dr. Miley was chaplain to the late Mr. O'Connell ; but he appears to be running directly counter to Mr. John O'Connell; who adheres strictly to the doctrine of peace at all price, and intimates that he shall probably resign the leadership of the Repealers. The Bishop of Killaloe has also re- buked Mr. Bermingham. But upon the whole, the ultra-rebel- lious classes have pretty much their own way, and the discreet section of Repealers obviously command a shrinking minority.