21 SEPTEMBER 1945, Page 2

Atomic Power in Industry

If Professor Oliphant, who was a member of the technical com- mittee of scientists responsible for the development of the atomic bomb, is right, no security against its misuse is to be found by keeping the process secret. He said the principles on which it is based are well-known to everyone, and that its production cost in the future will tumble rapidly. Within ten years, in his view, we could have power stations working under the new power. That other countries, beside America, will pursue their researches may be taken as certain ; and this country, which did so much in the initial stages, ought not now to fall behind in the development of a form of power which is likely to revolutionise industry. Professor Oliphant believes that the expenditure of Lioo,000,000 spread over the next ten years would suffice to develop atomic energy for practical productive purposes. With so much at stake, can we afford to let even a year pass without pressing on with research? The country that can first put atomic power at the disposal of industry will as far out-distance others. as the Steel Age is beyond the Stone Age.