Germany has also offered, through her Minister at Helsingfors, not
to attack Eastern Karelia, the Russian province adiseent to Petro- grad, if the Allies will withdraw their -troops--from that province and from the Murman coast. As Germany -has no -troops to ewe for Eastern.Karelia,and,cannot induce the Finns; to fight for German aims beyond their own borders, her offer means nothing more than the abandonment of an empty threat, in return for which the Allies are invited to give up their whole -design for helping, the patriots of Northern Russia, against the Germans and the Bolsheviks. It need hardly be said that the hypocritical proposal will be disre- garded. The German Eraperor's brother-in-law, Prince Friedrieh Karl of Hesse, is to be installed as King of Finland ,next month if the Republican majority can be dragooned into silence. The German offer was intended to smooth the way -for this princeling.