The British Armies have been heavily engaged throughout the week
on both sides of the Bapaume-Cambrai road, a few miles 'west and south-west of Cambrai, where the Canal du Nord and the Hindenburg line form serious obstacles to our advance. On Thurs- day week British and New Zealand troops, attacking on a wide front, captured positions overlooking Gouzeaucourt, as well as Trescault, Havrinc,ourt (east of the canal), and the whole of Mceuvres
(west of the canal), with fifteen hundred prisoners The enemy showed his alarm at our progress by delivering a series of violent counter-attacks. All of these failed with heavy loss. On Tuesday the enemy attacked afresh at Mceuvres and pressed our men back to the western edge of the place. Late the next day the Germans developed a powerlul offensive from Trescault to the north of Mceuvres. They were repuhed with great loss along the whole front, leaving many prisoners in our hands.