MILITARY GAZETTE' Omen OF ORDNANCE, Sept. 13.—Royal Re g t. of Artillery—The
Rev, W. M. Wright to be Chaplain, vice Tuson, resigned. - Corps of Royal Engineers.—Lieut.-Col. W. H. Slade to be Col. vice Holloway, deceased.
WAR-OFFICE, Sept. 17.-24 Life Guards—The Hon. T. H. G. Permor to be Cornet and Sub-Lieut. by purchase, vice Miller, who retires. 9d Drag. Guards—J. Syria- burns, Gent, to be Cornet, by putchar.e, vice Bnatchbull, promoted. 14th Light Drags.—Major C. Steuart to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice King, deceased ; Capt. J. H. Goddard to be Major, vice Steuart; Lieut. R. B. Prettejohn to be Capt. vice Goddard; Cornet T. E. Gordon to be Lieut. vice Prettejohu. 17th Light Drags. —L. E. Knight, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Learmonth, promoted. lot (or Grenadier) Regt. of Foot Guards—Ensign and Lieut. A. E. Rowley to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase, vice W. D. Viscount Mnndeville, who retires. 4th Foot— H. W. P. Butler, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Ansel', promoted. 11th Foot-O. S. -i-e-,-G-Wfirk-Eiffillitt;brearrehase; vice Vi,, , lot •LI Cave,-wheinicAteriff940.46
AI ibi,ffest7rndigiftwegtmentito ,I,ns,
Feot--En vice Parker. promoted. air VAX' Waif 1%48, liar Capt. vice G. B. Stoney, who re on 8 i FentielllilaftelabtvcretteiN Mortimer, fienzlialt,paihtinattached, to b tittblige Brevet Major D. F. Long. worth.; who elthangei ;:Lie)ti R. Mackenzie to who retires; Ensio Wo__11. MY t‘tri 'pt. by purchase, vikettlraii?„ , vice hi ac Ifffikeid . , -83I1
Foot-Assist.-Surg. siuMWe titer, M. .
Dempster whwexahnsiges.. 34* TiobiEti ; . A dlifi'Veist-Surg.,Vitie, Lieut. by pur- chase, vic3 Harvey, who re s kJ% L. yteore 1. s by purchase, vice Mantle. t: alt■Footadofii. . Moiley'r,; • . . base, vice Leche. 81st)Koot-e Ensign Iledirac ' '6iii7 tb ..i'llplt. "ficmWoodlieiltee deceased; IGentlemaiuDadet :H. W:Pitto. , tary College, to be Ensign,.vice-Brackenhttu. 62tT rda.::o: u • in by purchase, vice.Hopkinson,-promolied. '63'd P&? ' ajgn. by purchase, vice Pent ,-premotene 7 :Faid:LCI:B*.T'e viceeheld;4-premotseis 7fAil P6OC-w• Iv- 11:16 , by purchase,
vice Rice, proinotedem; 74t1. Viiiit•It."11: D: Lowe, 00-11 .; nsign, by pur- chase, vice Cordeaneiffomot0'.. 'l7ftiTFhèt-W',Acton. (1erit,tle Ensign, by pur- chase, vice Kent, protruded.; '78th'FaiitCript. C. C. 'tj.'lntr.4 tlbe Major, without purchase, vice-Taylor..., deceased; Lieut. 'W. II. Ridge to be Capt. vice M'Intyre; Ensign J. P. H. Crowe_to be Lieut. +nee Ridge ; Sergt.-Major Alekinder 21'Leod to be Ensign, vice Crowe. 81st FootLieut. F.• E. Sorel/ to be Capt. without purchase, vice Brevet Major J. Ward, who retires upon full-pay. 91st Foot-F. W. Ricketts, Gent. to be Ensign, by pairchaseolierepomnpt,00, promoted in the 3d yreitIndiaRegt. 92d ,Foot-W. D. Inverarity, Gent, to be Ensigat by purchase, vice Campbell, pro- moted. 93d Foot-W, Turner, Gent, to be 'Ensign, by purchase, vice Mackenzie, who retires ;- Assist:Stag. J. C. Dempster, M.D. from 33d Foot, to be Amist.-Surg. vibe Webster who exchanges. 98th Foot-P. H. F. Harris, (lent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Garditiez, promoted. '1st West India Begt.-Ensign W: Cave, from 14th Foot, to be Easley, vice Bower, who exchanges. Hospital Staff.- Staff-Assist.-Surg T. ,111'Gregor, M.D. to be Staff-Sur. of the Semnd Class, vice J. D. 1192liarmid:111:1). who retires Upon half-pay ; Assisti-Surg. E. R.: Richardson, from the 95th Foot, to be Assist:Surg. to the Forces, vice
DPGregor. . ,
Brevet-Captain E. Mortimer, of the 31st Foot, to be Major in the Andy. '