21 NOVEMBER 1970, Page 19


Sir: Without any judgment for or against, nevertheless I have tried to discover the ultimate source of the apparently insensate enemies against apartheid. What was it that kept the fires burning? I must conclude that it is deeper than external causes—that is, such as directed propaganda by inter- ested parties. I make a guess, an enlightened guess I hope.

Nearly everyone (mistakenly) believes that our apparent labour shortage can be relieved by im- migrants. and further that these immigrants will take on the de- spised and lower paid jobs. That is, we not only hope to benefit from 'apartheid' in our own country but hypocritically deny any such ideas. In a way well known to psychologists we externalise our own guilt and ease our consciences by vigorous attacks on that very sin we ourselves are prone to: 'It is better to know and under- stand than not to know and not to understand.'

C. G. Mayo 32 Cornwall Road, Littichampton, Sussex