Village Feuds
Relationships in the village and round about are involved. So maoll cousins, twice and three times removed, complicate matters greatly when it comes to conversation that takes a critical turn, If one an outsider, it is a simple matter to apologise and say no more on 0 subject, but woe betide the indiscreet person who has, in the opiniot of the offended one, lived here long enough to know better. I ea along well because I was brought up in a locality where blood link the most unlikely people, and I was taught to be cautious in n approach. Here one clan may be at war with another, and the feud may be so bad that blows are struck before words are spoken. UP the valley X, on a week-end visit to the inn, was waylaid by 11, who assaulted him with a bottle, and no one in that village dared sP) a word about the affair for fear of aligning his family on one side c) the other in a quarrel that is so old that no one can remember hovi it started.