The tribute to the "Member for Ireland" will this year,
it is ex- pected; amount to nearly 23,000/s the sum paid last year being rather more than 13,000/. In Dublin and other large places, the 'contribution on the first Sunday nearly doubled that of last year. Of 2000/. received in Dublin, it is stated that only Si. was paid in copper, by the poorer classes, who insisted on handing in their mite ; although there were no plates held at the doors through which the indigent multitude who crowd the aisles leave the Catholic chapels.
This is gall and wormwood to the Orange-Tory party. They have railed against O'CoNsrste to no purpose,except that of aug. muting his power and popularity. They brought out RAPHA.EL s accusation at the time when they hoped it would affect the Rent : it might have been as ready, and was just as true, three months as thiee weeks ago. Nay, why was it • not publittted-while Par- liament was sitting ?—Whatever might be the reason for halding back, it was brought forward, unquestionably, atff almost avowed* with a view to diminish the Tribute.- But th i. shot fell wjaor the mark, as the collection of Sunday last testifies. This hastieesK ihd invariable fate of all the attempts to rorktown O'Comnscs,..:f " From the Irish correspondence of the Mowing Chrorrid* we lerro, that the Clergy are preparing to avaprtineltes or&
vision in Lord STANLEY'S Tithe Act, which entitles them to come upon the owners in fee &land in Ireland for tithes which have been eighteen months in arrear. In case payment is not speedily made by these parties, receivers of the rents and profits of their *states are to be appointed on behalf of the clergy !