21 MAY 1921, Page 17
HAYMARKET.—The Circle .. 8.30-2.30
[Mr. Thesiger, Miss Lottle Venne. and Miss Fay Compton unite with the rest of the cast in giving this dexterous. tiresome play a brilliant Interpretation.]
Lirrez.—Grand Guignol (Third &ries) 8.15-2.30
[None of the six plays is bad, but The NW is the best " shocker " the Grand Guignol has yet given us.]
Lyme, HAsEdERSMITIL—The Beggar's Opera .. 8.15-2.30 ["If the heart of a man is oppressed with care " he had better learn of a poet who was Gay.] WYNDHAM'S.—Bulidog Drummond .. 8.15-2.80
[A. terrine and extremely successful adventure play.]