" THE SPECTATOR " CROSSWORD No. 106 [A . prize of
a Book Token jot one guinea will be given to the 'owe, Jr fin: correct solution of this week's crossword puizle4o.be opened. Envelopes should 6, marked with the words "Crossword Puzzle " and the NUMBER of the PUZZLE and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday week. No en. dope, rail be opened before noon- on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appeam, below. The name of the winner and the solution will be published in the fen,ft, ing issue. Envelopes containing solutions must berz a aid stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A. cannot be accepted.]
ACROSS t. Even on a fine wedding-day one must expect a shower of this (8).
5. The sexton's suit (6).
9. Shot, not in the locker, but the chest (8).
to. Fiddler's bit of trouble (6).
12. " Homely phrases, but each Full of hope and yet of heart-break" (Longfellow) (6).
13. Turn a sheep about and then about again (8).
15. Bury and bring the parties together (r2).
r8. Not precisely what Shake- speare meant by " this royal throne of kings " (3 words) (5, 2, 5).
23. Mid expletive of the exas- perated roof-spotter, expect- ing a crisis (2 words) (4, 4). 24. Caress t"e oarsman (6).
26. S'gned for a change (6).
27. With the help of which the Oriental takes himself off (8).
28. The chemist's whopper con- versely (6).
29. " We are the -, master ; we shall go Always' a little further " (Flecker) (8).
DOWN 1. "By his - hat and staff And his sandal shoon " (Shakespeare) (6).
2. Now, says the batsman. I must hit a six and a four (6).
3. " And not by - windows only, When daylight comes, comes in the light " (Clough) (7). 4. Golfers' river (4).
6. Bird which appears to give a recipe for cooking eggs (7).
7. Mother swallowed by a fah- . Ions monster (8).
8. The ghosts of lookers-on? (8). r. Probably a single berth (7).
14. He's full of fire, though rater mixed, and a little cowed, so to speak (7).
Lad's hope in flower (8). 17. It does not necessarily imply an increase in lunacy (8). 19. FND (7).
zo. " They are as sick that surret, with too much, as they that starve with -" (Shakes- peare) (7).
21. Western characters in Japan (6).
22. Stir 'em up (6).
25. Eastern language of a friend and I (4).