21 MARCH 1941, Page 3

Meanwhile Parliament has had a Secret Session, a minor debate

on Service Estimates and a further debate on Recon- struction. Mr. George Hicks gave an interesting account of his new department, the Ministry of Works and Buildings. After fifty years in the Building Industry, Mr. Hicks speaks with a fluent knowledge of the technical side of building. He told us that his department had taken over the functions of the Office of Works and that now he has to find office accommo- dation for 400,000 persons. Such is the growth of central and regional government. The rent-bill alone is over four millions pounds a year. In addition the department supplies equip- ment for Emergency Hospitals, bunks for shelters and all fire-fighting equipment. Expenditure on this head has increased from £800,000 a year to over £16 millions. He announced that in future all expenditure of over Li oo will require a special licence. It looks as if Building will require a special Ministry; a complete census of building capacity is to be undertaken, and a reform of the statistical branch. Control of building-materials is now extended to bricks, cement and roofing, the sizes of bricks are to be reduced and standardisation is to be encouraged. In addition to, an emergency-squad for house repairs and for factories, the department is to take over the collecting, sorting and disposal of all salvage. This is an impressive picture.

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