The Exhibition at Buenos Aires The British Empire Trade Exhibition
at Buenos Aires was opened last Saturday by the Prince of Wales in the presence of President Uriburu and Sir Herbert Gibson. He spoke in Spanish and English, and wireless enabled him to be heard clearly all over Great Britain and Canada. He referred to the renewed spirit of enterprise in British industry. One passage in the speech should be pondered by our more undiscriminating Protectionists. His Royal Highness said that " Obstacles placed in the way of reciprocal trade are perhaps the main causes of the world's present trouble," and appealed on that ground to Argentinians to obey the " slogan," which they have themselves invented for this Exhibition, " Buy from those who buy from us." But with what sincerity could that slogan be sustained if an " Empire Free Trade " Government here were " crowding out " Argentina and all her products ? How much friendliness for us would remain at Buenos Aires ?
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