21 MARCH 1868, Page 3

In the early part of the week there was an

improved feeling in the market for Home Securities, and prices had an upward tend- ency. Since then, however, it has become inactive, and a portion of the advance has been lost. Consols have been 93f, *. Last evening they closed at 93 and 93* ; Reduced and New Three per Cents., 92 to 92*, and 914 to 92 ; Exchequer Bills, 11s. to 16s. prem. ; India Five per Cents., 114 to 114+ ; and the Bonds, 28s. to 33s. prem. The dividend of the Bank of England for the last six months is 4 per cent. Quite an average business has been doing in Foreign Bonds and Railway Shares on rather higher terms. Money has been in improved request, at 1 to 2 per cent. for prime short paper. The stock of bullion in the Bank of Eng- land is 21,281,427/. ; in the Bank of France, 46,410,0001.