21 JUNE 1845, Page 12



The business in the English Funds has been of the usual unimportant character, and we cannot notice any transactions of moment. The market, in the almost total absence of business, has evinced occasional indications of feebleness and, after very slight fluctuation, closes this afternoon at the quotations ,of last week. The premium of Exchequer Bills has declined 2s.

The enormous amount of business transacted in Railway Shares has con- siderably increased the transactions of those bankers with whom the brokers and dealers in these securities keep account; and so large an amount is daily paid and received, that it has been almost impossible to get through the business of the Clearing-house within the usual hours. It has hitherto been the custom for the various bankers to receive checks for the day's clearing till within a few minutes to the time necessary for their presentation at the Clearing-house—four o'clock; but on Monday last, one of the principal bankers gave notice that he could not receive such checks later than half-past three. This rule will, it is understood, become general. It will give some idea of the immense extent to which banking transactions have recently increased, when we state that the amount sent into the Clearing-house on Monday last by one firm in Lombard Street was 2,500,0001.; and as nearly the same amount would be drawn upon them, this gives 5,000,0001. for the business of one firm in one day ! Under ordinary circumstances, the amount sent into the clearing by the largest houses used to be from 500,0001. to 1,000,0001. daily. No material change has occurred in the Foreign Funds. Mexican Active is declining, and the Deferred Stock advancing; a natural consequence of the ap- proaching maturity of the latter. Some large transactions have occurred in Por- tuguese Bonds, without causing any great change in the market- The public seem to be extensively converting the Three per Cent Stock into Four per Cents, tempted, probably, by the immediate increase of dividend; and by this time the conversion of the 4,000,0001. has been effected, which was necessary to give effect to the decree of 19th April last. Spanish Bonds have been heavy; and though the advertisement of the payment in due course of the dividend upon the Three per Cents which becomes due on the 1st July has made i,ts appearance, the effect produced by it has been unimportant: the market, however, is now firmer. The transactions in Railway Shares have been of great extent and importance; and among the English varieties the principal fluctuation has occurred in those lines now undergoing the Parliamentary ordeal. The hopes of the Shareholders of the Cambridge and Lincoln line have been destroyed by the vote of the House of Commons refusing to allow the bill to be proceeded with : the Shares have not, however, declined much. The fate of the Rugby is to be decided tonight, by the determination of the House as to whether the broad or the narrow gauge is to be adopted in certain proposed lines.

The French Shares are generally depressed. The postponement of the bills au- thorizing the lines to Dijon and Mulhausen, and to Bordeaux, Toulouse, and Cette, has thrown these lines down to par; and as it is believed that many more bills will be postponed as well as these, the Shares in all the unconceded French lines have declined.


There is no change of importance in the English or Foreign Funds. The de- ermination of the question as to the broad or narrow railway-gauge, last night, in the House of Commons, has materially affected the prices of Railway Shares. Great Western have risen about 71. per share, viz. to 212. Birmingham are no- minally lower, being quoted at 235 to 240; but we cannot learn that any actual business has occurred at those prices. Rugby have fallen about 11., and Oxford and Worcester risen about 21. The smaller Imes dependent upon or supported by the Great Western are in the ascendant, and those allied to the Birmingham de- clining. The following is a list of bargains actually occurring: Birmingham and Gloucester, 130; Bristol and Exeter, 99; Caledonian, 12; Chnrnet Valley, 53; Great Wsetern, 211 12; Ditto, Half-shares, 118; Brighton, 741; Midland, New, 28; North Kent, 43; Oxford and Worcester, 7* 84; Rugby, 13 *; South-eastern and Dover, New, No. 2, 17*; Ditto, No. 3, 9*.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 33 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 43 per Cents ChWan 6 per Cents .....


shut 991 1 991 3 1021 3 11 7-16 3 211 i 57 9 shut 89 90 99 100 98 100

Columbian ex Venezuela ...

Danish 3 per Cents .ex . dlv Dutch 23 per Cents Ditto 5 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents Ditto Deferred Portuguese New 5 p. Cts. 1841 Russian 5 per Cents Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 161 88 9


99 3 37 201 661 117 281 413 17; 3 21} 73 119

4 3

',SATURDAY, Two Wuxi.

There has been but little business either in the Foreign or English Funds; and prices are the same as in the morning. We have to notice the following transac- tions in Railway Shares, in addition to these already given. It will be seen, that the general tendency is to improvement: Aberdeen, 4; Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 5* 6; Brighton, Lewes, and Hastings, 26* 73; Bristol and Exeter, 99102; Caledonian, 123; Cambridge and Lincoln, 41 *; Direct Northern, 31; Dublin and Galway, 3*; Ditto and Mellinger, 53 5; Great Southern and Western, Ireland, 23; Great Western, 210; Hull and Selby, 108; Blackwell, Ill: South- western, 82 3; London and York, 4; Manchester and Birmingham, 60*: Midland, 183 6; North British, 25; Oxford and Worcester 7; Rugby, 13 3; Shrewsbury and Wolverhampton, 43 3 3; South Devon, 25* 26; Boulogne and Amiens, 81 93; Bordeaux and Mediterranean, 13; Great North of France, 5; Orleans, Tours, and Bordeaux, 103 93; Paris and Lyons, (Lafitte's,) 3; Paris and Strasburg, (Ganneron's,) 23; Royal North of Spain, 23; Sambre and Meuse, 9.