H. B. has given a zoological version of Mr. Stanley's opposition to the appropriation of Church property ; wherein he represents O'Con- nell as the great boa, with wide-expanded jaws ready to swallow a. Church (Protestant, we presume), which Lords Althorp and John Russell are feeding him with. Mr. Stanley recoils with horror from the sight; Lord Melbourne only affects disgust ; and Lord Ripon faints away in the arms of the Duke of Richmond ; while Ahhorp, the keeper (who is used to cramming animals), wonders " what's the matter with the gemmen ;" and his man Russell says, " they usedn't not al- ways to have such delicate stomachs." The recent contest for Cambridge is typified by a pony-race for a saddle (a scat); the Duke of Wellington and Lord Grey being the riders, and Rice and Sugden the nags. The superior jockeyship of Grey has enabled him to win by a length; and he leers round at his rival with the trencher-cap, shouting " Cambridge for ever !" to which the jockey with the foolish face replies, " I only wish I had you at Oxford." John Bull, as umpire, looks stupidly eager, as if be was excited and did not know why.
We hope H. B. has been at Oxford? Next week will show.