Lady Astor is to be -congratulated on the courage and
good temper with which she piloted her Bill through its somewhat tempestuous course in the House of Commons. The Bill, which was read:a third time on Friday; July 18th, by a majority of 257 to 10; forbids licence-holders " know- ingly " to sell intoxicating liquor to young. persons under eighteen. Beer • or cider may be sold to young persons over sixteen who are taking a meal in an inn, but in other respects the prohibition is absolute.. We are bound to say that we heartily concur with the ministers of religion, schoolmasters and medical men who supported Lady Astor in promoting this moderate and sensible reform. Young people under eighteen have no need of whisky and would be much better without it.. When they are grown up they have a right to do as they please, but the nation is fairly entitled to protect them from the drink habit while they are too young to judge for themselves.
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