21 JULY 1923, Page 12


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Sza,—Surely Lord Sydenham and " Vindex " have overlooked the point in criticizing your publication of Mr. Massingham's articles, which, I take it, is the attack on Liberalism by that distinguished renegade. We Liberals do not think much of the attack and, with other critics, arc much tickled by the theory that to possess any old idea is to be in the line of progress. That word, however, has always been associated with a good deal of confused thinking. And one may agree with Mr. Massingham provided one does not worry over the fine shade of distinction between a Rake's Progress and, say, a Pilgrim's Progress.

For the rest, Sir, we congratulate you on a bright political move. And we bear up as one more mourner hurries to our funeral. The assembly is already large and distinguished, and it patiently waits for the corpse.—I am, Sir, &c.,


Ron. See., Yorkshire Liberal Federation.

New Leeds and County Liberal. Club (1910), Ltd.